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Veitch Genealogy and Veitch Family History Information

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  • Ada Madeline Priddie (c.1874 - d.)
  • Ann Veatch Weaver (c.1674 - c.1746)
    Capt. Thomas Clagett (1645-1703) "made deed of gift of land to Ann Veitch, wife of Nathan Veitch/Veatch, although the deed does not say she was his daughter." (citation needed for internet statement)...
  • Dorcas Veitch (c.1723 - 1773)
    Dorcas Plummer (Veitch) Great Granddaughter of Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor George Yates Gent 1639-1691 ——————————————————————- Dorcas PLUMMER-DEAKINS211 was born about 1722 in Prince George, MD. S...
  • Florence Matilda Veitch (1874 - 1953)
  • James Veitch of Lowre (aft.1615 - aft.1653)
    6(iii). James Veitch, Likely of Lowre who was granted 5 merklands of Foulage in 1653, sister Katherine held half of 5 merklands in Fouledge. This James has been presumed to have been Sheriff of Calvert...

About the Veitch surname

George Veitch of Westkirk, Dumfries Shire Scotland was born 1799, died 1845 is the son of William Veitch born 1760.