Dorcas Plummer (Veitch) Great Granddaughter of Magna Carta Gateway Ancestor George Yates Gent 1639-1691
Dorcas PLUMMER-DEAKINS211 was born about 1722 in Prince George, MD.
She died about 1778 in Md. Both Plummer and Deakins surnames have appeared with Dorcas's name.
She was possibly the wife of Leonard Deakins brother of surveyor Francis Deakins. As of 12/07/2022 research on line has no connections with Deakins lines. Did find Francis added him to geni. Unlikely spouse of Leonard Deakins unsure why Deakins found with her name at this time.
Spouse: Daniel VEATCH. (1722-1762)
Children: Jeremiah VEATCH.
Proof of father
PLUMMER, THOMAS, SENR., Frederick Co. 27 Nov 1773; 20 Feb 1774
To son Thomas Plummer, ex. , all of my estate both real and personal, except the following legacies-
To son and 6 daus. Samuel, Dorcas, Priscilla, Phebe, Mary, Susannah and Ruth Plummer, 5 shillings each.
Wit: Thomas Plummer (of Bush Creek), John Hilton; James Hilton; George Kirk. 39. 600
1763-1765 Frederick County MD Liber L Land Records. {Patricia Abelard Andersen} Page 974. Thomas Plummer recorded deed of gift 15 Dec. 1764, I Thomas Plummer Sr., send greeting, in consideration ofthe love, good will and affection I do bear to my son Thomas Plummer, grant to him my tract of land called "Greenland," together with my ready money, household stuff, chattels and all other things to me belonging which I may justly claim. Signed Thomas Plummer by his mark before Thomas Gatrole by his mark and Samuel Plummer.
1723 |
Queen Anne Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland
1745 |
Frederick, Province of Maryland
1747 |
1749 |
1751 |
1752 |
1755 |
Frederick, Province of Maryland
1757 |
1759 |
December 1759
Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland, United States
1760 |
May 26, 1760
Baltimore County, Province of Maryland