Capt. Thomas Clagett (1645-1703) "made deed of gift of land to Ann Veitch, wife of Nathan Veitch/Veatch, although the deed does not say she was his daughter." (citation needed for internet statement) Capt. Clagett mentioned the deceased James Veitch (Sr.) and his son John Veitch in his 1703 will, but not Nathan and Ann Veitch. Thomas Clagett had purchased a plantation of Sheriff James Veitch prior to the Sheriff's death, but it is not clear whether this was the same plantation he later deeded to the Sheriff's son Nathan Veatch and wife Ann. Debts owed the Clagett estate included those of Thomas Notley, James Veitch (probably the son of Nathan), and Thomas Nutter, among many others.
Nathan Veatch's wife Ann is shown as Ann Clagett or Claggett in We Veitches by Laurence Guthrie, p.113; The Life and Times of Sheriff James Veitch by Lou Rose, pp. 9, 32, 37; Burke's American Families with British Ancestry (1939), p.2951, published simultaneously in Burke's Landed Gentry of Great Britain, 16th Edition (1939), p.2951; and The National Genealogical Society Quarterly vol. 62, pp.182-191. The late Brice Clagett (1933-2008) spent many years compiling a history of the Clagetts and stated in emails that it was not proven to his satisfaction that Ann Veatch Weaver was a Clagett. In 2002 he posted an argument online against Ann Veatch being a daughter of Thomas Clagett. He stated incorrectly that the claim was first made in We Veitches (1974) by Laurence Guthrie based entirely on the witnesses to Nathan Veatch's will and no other evidence, "and endlessly repeated" since, when the first published citation actually appears Burke's American Families (1939).
Also in the Compendium of American Genealogy, by Virkus, vol. VII (1942), p.58: 8-Nathan (ca. 1668-1705), grand juror, Prince Georges Co., 1696; owner of 'Hopeful Blessing,' 'Expedition of Beall' and 'Hawks Nest'; m ca. 1689, Ann Clagett (ca. 1672-1748; cap. Thos. [1635-1703], m. Sarah__); 7-James (1695-1762), owner of 'Beall's Pasture, 1723-33;…"
"The Land Records of Prince George's Co., MD - 1702-1709" by Elise Greenup Jourdan: "Folio 13a, Indenture, 26 Jan 1702 - From: Nathan Veitch, planter of Prince George's County and his wife Anne Veitch to: Hon. Col. Henry Darnall, Gent. of Prince George's County for 50 pounds a 125 acre part of the 'Expedition of Beall,' formerly of Calvert County, now lying in Prince George's County on the west side of the Patuxent River; bounded by Cabin Branch. Signed: Nathan Veitch and Anne Veitch. Witnessed: Sam'll Magruder and James Stoddart. Endorsement on back: 28 Sep 1702 Anne Veitch examined by Sam'll Magruder and James Stoddert."
From "The Life and Times of Sheriffe James Veatch" by Lou Rose: "Nathan Veach (or Veatch), the fifth child and fourth son of James Veitch, was born in Calvert County in 1668 and died in 1705. He was by all accounts the most conspicuous of James's sons, the tower of strength on which his entire family leaned on in their time of need. Nathan was active in politics, as indicated by his signature on the second petition to the English monarch William and Mary. At the time of their deaths in 1693, Nathan was also the administrator of the estates of his brother John and James Jr., and a family solicitor of sorts. About 1692 Nathan Veatch married Ann Clagett, daughter or step-daughter of Captain Thomas Clagett. ... By 1701 Nathan and Ann were already living in what is now Prince George's County, Maryland, in the vicinity of the present county seat, Upper Marlboro. In 1704 Nathan was granted one hundred acres of land, which he did not live long enough to enjoy, since he died the following year, 1705, aged 37. His plantation, the "Hawks's Nest," was patented in November, 1706.... Nathan Veatch was the ancestor of a large number of descendants who, starting in Calvert County, moved to Prince George's and Montgomery Counties in Maryland, then gradually dispersed, over the centuries, to many states of the Union."
We Veitches by Guthrie, p. 133: "Nathan Veitch married about 1692, Ann Clagett. This writer cannot feel justified in placing their marriage earlier than that year and argues -- That Ann was the eldest child of Capt. Thomas Clagett by his wife Mary (Nutter) Hooper, whom he is said to have married in Calvert County in 1676... he was in the Colony for about six years before he (Thomas Clagett) married and if our supposition is correct, Ann was born about 1677 and would have been but fifteen years of age in 1692. ...He may have given her a dower at her marriage which he considered a suitable portion for her. If Ann was not his eldest child, she was apparently a daughter of Mary (Nutter) Hooper by her former marriage and was adopted by Thomas when he married the widow."
The will of Nathan Veatch was signed 19 April 1705 and proved in court 31 May 1705. It was witnessed by Thomas Clagett, Richard Clagett, Mary Clagett, and Henry (X) Hows.
Family Finder DNA tests show matches between descendants of Ann Veatch and descendants of supposed brothers Thomas Clagett Jr. and Richard Clagett. Capt. Thomas Clagett's daughter Elizabeth Clagett Wadsworth was the grandmother of Priscilla Kent Willson, mother of Frances Wilson who married Nathan Masters and (some genealogists theorize) her sister Mary Wilson who married his brother Robert Masters, grandsons of Mary Veatch Masters and great-grandsons of Ann (Clagett?) Veatch. The fact that some descendants of Elizabeth Clagett Wadsworth match other descendants of Ann Clagett Veatch and her purported brothers Richard Clagett and Thomas Clagett Jr. besides those descended from Ann and Elizabeth's great-grandchildren Frances Willson (Mrs. Nathan) Masters and Mary Willson (Mrs. Robert) Masters does not necessarily prove that Ann was a Clagett although further study of mtdna matches may prove one way or the other.
The widow Ann Veatch married Richard Weaver. In her will, Ann Weaver named her children James Veatch, John Veatch, Ann Davis, Mary Masters, and Richard Weaver. Prince Georges' Co. Wills, Bk #1, p. 378: In the name of God, Amen. I Ann Weaver of Prince Georges County and Province of Maryland being Weak of Body but of Sound mind & memory, thanks be to God. Willling to settle my wordly affairs do make this my last Will & Testament.
First of all I recommend my Soul unto God my Saviour and my (body) to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executors. My Will is that my Just Debts be paid & for the rest of my Estate I give & Devise as follows:
I give and bequeath my Son James Veatch one negroe Girl named Beth, One Gold Ring to him and his Heirs & assigns forever.
I give & bequeath to my Daughter Ann Davis one Negroe Wench named Bess, one Flat Bed and the Cloes belonging to it & one Side Saddle & one chest of Drawers and all my wearing Close & unmade up Linings to her and her Heirs & assigns forever.
I give & bequeath to my Daughter Mary Masters one Warming Pan and one Tinn Collinder to her and her Hairs and assigns Forever.
I given & bequeath to my son Richard Weaver two Leather Chairs to him and his Hairs and Assigns forever.
I also give & bequeath to my Son John Veatch one negro Boy named Charles, one Feather Bed and the Close belonging to it, to him and his Hairs and assigns forever.
Also the rest of my movables after all my Debts is paid Equilly to be Divided between the said James Veatch & Ann Davis & I do hereby ordain, constitute & appoint my Son John Veatch to be my Sole & alone Executor of this my last Will & Testament & to pay all my Just Debts & see that this my last will be fulfilled in manner aforementioned.
In witness whereof I have set my Hand and Seale this Fifteeth day of July one thousand seven Hundred forty & six.
Chas(H) Hayes Ephraim Gold Ann Weaver John Norris August 27, 1746 came Charles Hayes ......
Anne Weaver 26.128 A FR £106.14.9 £19.18.6 Jul 4 1749 Received from: James Veatch. Payments to: Commissioners of Paper Money Office due from Richard Weaver (husband), MM John Philpot & Co. (merchants in London), Mr. Joseph Adams (merchant in London), Basill Waring, Daniel Dulany, Esq., Mr. Peter Dent. Administrator/Executor: John Veatch. The Basil(l) Waring shown in this record is identified by Waring researchers as Basil Waring III, a great-grandson of Capt. Sam(p)son Waring who was associated with Ann Veatch Weaver's father-in-law, James Veitch the Sheriffe.
A first generation American, Nathan was born ca. 1668 in Calvert County, MD. He was the fourth son of James and Mary Veatch. Nathan and his descendants seem to have been the first to use the Veatch spelling of their name. Nathan is well-recorded in the county records of Maryland, as he apparently was a prosperous tobacco planter. He was invloved in the buying and selling of such plantations as Cabin Branch, Expendition of Beall and Hopeful Blessing. About 1692, Nathan married Ann Claggett, daughter (or perhaps step daughter) of Captain Thomas Claggett and his wife Mary Nutter Hopper. The Claggett name goes back to 1490, in Kent England, to Robert and descends through George, 3X mayor of Canterbury, to Edward born 1606-colonel in the British army and a Loyalist imprisoned in the Tower of London. Thomas was their youngest son and officer in the British Navy. For a time after their marriage, Nathan and Ann lived in Charles County, Maryland, later returning to Calvert Co. At about this time there was a change in the formation of some of the counties. The home of Nathan Veatch, which had been in Calvert County was changed to Prince George's County. Nathan was a Grand Juror in 1699, of Prince George's Co; probably the first jury in the newly-formed county. He also served on a committee to study defenses and report on defenses against the Indians. He was involved in several sales and a court action with tobacco being the medium of payment. Nathan was only 37 in May 1705, at the time of his death. His widow married Richard Weaver and had two more children. Both Nathan and Ann left wills. He directed how his children were to be cared for in the event of the early death of either one. The older two were to live with Nathan's brother William, and the younger two to live with Thomas Claggett, brother to Ann. Ann died August 1764. Her will directed her possessions, including some slaves, to her children.
1672 |
St. Leonards, Calvert County, Maryland, Colonial America
1690 |
Hyattsville, Maryland, United States
1693 |
Calvert County, Province of Maryland, Colonial America
of, Calvert, MD
Calvert County, Maryland, Colonial America
1695 |
Charles County, Province of Maryland
1706 |
Prince George's County, MD, United States
1708 |
Prince George's County, MD, United States