There are already 146 users and over 17,212 genealogy profiles with the Mikkola surname on Geni. Explore Mikkola genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Anders was born and christened in city of Pori. No father mentioned. Mother's title is qv, qvinnsperson, which means an unmarried woman wh...
Beata Samulintytär Mikkola on eri henkilö kuin Längelmäellä samana päivänä syntynyt Beata Samuelsdotter Alart ängelmäeltä; Oriveden Pitkäjärven kylän Mikkolan miniä, talonhaltija 1. puolisonsa jälkeen ...
Hannu Olavi Mikkola (24 May 1942 − 26 February 2021[2]) was a Finnish world champion rally driver. He was a seven-time winner of the 1000 Lakes Rally in Finland and won the RAC Rally in Great Britain f...
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