Historical records matching Anders Wictor Nylund
Immediate Family
mother's partner
half brother
mother's partner
half sister
mother's partner
half sister
About Anders Wictor Nylund
- Anders was born and christened in city of Pori. No father mentioned. Mother's title is qv, qvinnsperson, which means an unmarried woman who has got a child with an unknown man.
- Historybooks Pori-Björneborg Christened: Born 12.1.1854 Christened 15.1.1854 Staden Father (Not memtioned) Mother qv: Johanna Mich:d:r 39 år Child Anders Wictor
- Anders Viktor Johannasson as fosterson at Anders Nylund and his wife Ewa Justina. She dies in 1868 and Anders Nylund himself in 1869.
- SSHY jäsenille - For members only: Pori kaupunkiseurakunta rippikirja 1863-1869 (MKO1-42) Sivu 251 Femte Stads Delen, N:o ½ 251 Nylund / Viitattu 01.11.2021
- Moves from Pori to Kokkola/Karleby 25th October 1875. Lives at Tylli farm in Kaarlela for a year before moving to Kiuruvesi.
- Kaarlela rippikirja 1873-1882 (MKO187-201) / Viitattu 04.11.2021
- Moves from Kokkola/Karleby to Kiuruvesi together with his fiancee Maria Carolina Snellman on 1st November 1876.
Kiuruvesi muuttaneet 1875-1885 (MKO8) Sivu 6-7 1876 1877 ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=2435... / Viitattu 03.11.2021
- Marriage with Maria Carolina Snellman on 20th January 1877 in Kiuruvesi.
Kiuruvesi vihityt 1857-1878 (MKO5-6 C5) Sivu 32 1876-1877 ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=4689... / Viitattu 03.11.2021
- Anders Viktor Nylund with his wife Maria Carolina Snellman in Kiuruvesi.
Kiuruvesi rippikirja 1881-1890 (MKO141-147) Sivu 114 N ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=2268... / Viitattu 02.11.2021
- Anders with his wife Maria Carolina Snellman in Pori. They have come from Kiuruvesi on 15th May 1882.
Pori kaupunkiseurakunta rippikirja 1875-1882 (MKO89-135) Sivu 1369 Femte Stadsdelen, N:o ½323 Nylund ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1405... / Viitattu 01.11.2021
Pori kaupunkiseurakunta muuttaneet 1872-1885 (MKO24-29) Sivu 108 ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1464... / Viitattu 01.11.2021
- Moved from Pori to Kokkola on 10th November 1885.
Pori kaupunkiseurakunta rippikirja 1883-1892 (MKO136-200) Sivu 572 Nyl ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1405... / Viitattu 03.11.2021
Kokkola muuttaneet 1862-1886 (MKO451-453) ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1812... / Viitattu 03.11.2021
Kokkola rippikirja 1879-1887 (MKO168-186) ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1767... / Viitattu 03.11.2021
- Anders Viktor Nylund with his wiwes n:o 1 and 2 in Kokkola. Seems like he was allowed to divorce from his first wife on 21st March 1889.
Kokkola rippikirja 1887-1897 (MKO187-216) Sivu 527 (Nylund) ; SSHY http://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=1767... / Viitattu 01.11.2021
- Anders Viktor Nylund and his fiancee Brita Johanna Eriksdotter Kourujärvi got engaged on 27th July 1889.
Kaarlelan seurakunta - Kuulutettujen luettelot 1855-1892, jakso 109, sivu 186-187: 1888-1889; Kansallisarkisto: http://digi.narc.fi/digi/view.ka?kuid=8295289 / Viitattu 2.11.2021
- Appears in US Census 1900 with his family. Immigration and marriage year are 1890 according to this document.
United States Census, 1900; https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:
-After his mother died, he was adopted by ceramic tile maker Anders Nylund and his wife Eva Justina Karlsdotter. They gave him his name, Nylund.
-Was married twice, first wife was Maria Karolina Snellman. Brita Johanna was his second wife.
-His occupation in Finland was ceramic tile maker, just like his foster father Anders Nylund.
-Emigrated from Finland to USA in 1890, together with his wife Brita Johanna.
Anders Wictor Nylund's Timeline
1854 |
January 12, 1854
Pori, Satakunta, Finland