There are already 354 users and over 7,798 genealogy profiles with the Kotzé surname on Geni. Explore Kotzé genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
c12 Maarten » 7.10.1731 x 9.1.1757 Engela Elisabeth LOUBSER » 16.10.1740 d.v. Nicolaas Loubser en Anna Catharina Feyt d11 Adriana Jacomina * c. 1785 » 2.10.1785 x Stellenbosch 2.11.1806 Dirk Jacobus KO...
GEDCOM Source @R1200312375@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
GEDCOM Source Ancestry Family Tre...
The patriarch of this branch of the Kotze family died just a year after his grand-daughter Louie Villieria Kotze and 4 years after his son CAH Kotze of Ermelo. In all the years that the Ermelo Kotzes w...
KOTZÉ "Cottager" in Old German. Compare "Cotter". - South African Surnames Eric Rosenthal
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