The patriarch of this branch of the Kotze family died just a year after his grand-daughter Louie Villieria Kotze and 4 years after his son CAH Kotze of Ermelo. In all the years that the Ermelo Kotzes were removed from the Hopefield Kotzes, I wonder how often the families met up and whether AGH ever saw his Ermelo grandchildren. He died at the farmhouse, address: Hopefield, Lange Riet Vlei - on 10 June 1921 and at the time of his death, he was still farming. He was almost 66 years old when he died and he lived for 14 years after the death of his wife. From the notice, we learn that he married Elizabeth in Wynberg.
MOOC 6/9/2050.1937
DEATH NOTICE Name of deceased Andries George Hendrik Kotzé
Birthplace & Nationality ‘Lange Riet Vlei’– South African
Father Johannes Jacobus Kotzé
Mother Anna Christina Petronella Kotzé born van Breda
Age of deceased Sixty five years nine months
Occupation Farmer Ordinary place of Residence ‘Lange Riet Vlei’ P.O. Oliphant’s Kraal Dist. Malmesbury
Marital Status Widower Name of predeceased spouse and Elizabeth Maria Jacoba Kotze
approximate date of death Died 11 October 1907
Place of last marriage Wynberg C.P. Day of decease Tenth day of June 1921
Where the person died Farm House of ‘Lange Riet Vlei’
Dist. Malmesbury
Names of children of deceased
Johannes Jacobus born 1897
Carel Albrecht Haupt born 1881 (died 12/6/17)
Daniel Pheil
Andries George Hendrik (killed 12/4/17)
Peter Canzius
Abraham Barend de Villiers (all majors)
Has deceased left any moveable property? Yes
Has deceased left any immoveable property? Yes
Is the Estate estimated to exceed £300 in value? Yes
Has deceased left a will? Yes
Dated at Lange Riet Vlei the 24th day of June 1921
1855 |
September 29, 1855
1879 |
August 7, 1879
Hopefield, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1881 |
May 18, 1881
Hopefield, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1883 |
March 12, 1883
”Langrietvlei”, Hopefield
Hauptsrus, Mafeking (Mahikeng), Huidig Ngaka Modiri Molema dist, Kaapkolonie, Suid Afrika
1885 |
December 10, 1885
Hopefield, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1887 |
Hopefield, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1889 |
Hopefield, West Coast DC, Western Cape, South Africa
1892 |
”Langrietvlei”, Bergrivier
1921 |
June 10, 1921
Age 65