There are already 90 users and 3,488 genealogy profiles with the de Percy surname on Geni. Explore de Percy genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
As of 10 October 2023—
It's going on 15 years since this person-profile page was created. Since that date, no source prove that an Ada de Percy was a daughter of William de Percy by either wife.
Alice (Adeliza) de Tunbridge (Clare)born about 1102 Tunbridge Castle, Kent, Englanddied after 1148 Englandfather:*Richard de Clareborn 1084/90 Hertford, Hertfordshire, Englandchristened Clare, Suffolk,...
Agnes de Percy* Parents: William de Percy & Alice de Tonbridge* Spouse: Joscelin de Louvain* Children: Henry de PercyRichard de PercyJoscelin de PercyRadulf de PercyEleanore de PercyMatilda de PercyLuc...
Not the wife of Eustace de Balliol, Sheriff of Cumberland
William de Percy & his first wife had five children (who were co-heiresses of William Briwere the younger, their maternal uncle, who died ...
concerns This Agnes is italicized on Stirnet's "Temp90" page (link below).
notes also known as Agnes de Flammaville
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