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de Boer Genealogy and de Boer Family History Information

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  • Hedwig 'Hedy' d'Ancona
    Hedy d’ Ancona, born in the Hague on October 1 1937. By Janny Nieboer She is a Dutch white woman with a Jewish father. Her father was brought up in a religious Jewish family, but he himself was no...
  • Lenny Kuhr
    Lenny Kuhr biografie
  • Prince Nikolay Georgievich Bagration (1865 - 1933)
    Niko Bagrationi (Georgian: ნიკო ბაგრატიონი; Russian: Николай Багратион, Nikolay Georgievich Bagration) (1868–1933) was a Georgian nobleman who fought as a volunteer officer in the Boer army during the ...
  • Paul Herman Cohen de Boer (1917 - 1945)
    Paul Herman Cohen de Boer lived in The Hague. He was a student and journalist and belonged to the Landelijke Organisatie voor Hulp aan Onderduikers (LO)/Leidschendam-Den Haag (national organization to ...
  • Pieter 'Piet' de Boer (1894 - 1974)
    Amsterdam art dealer Piet de Boer (1894-1974) built up a major collection of paintings and drawings during his lifetime, and in 1964 he decided to transfer it to the P. & N. de Boer Foundation.

About the de Boer surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Boer surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Boer surname.

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