Working to compare the Mundy household with the Dubose household to determine the ancestry of the three Price girls.
trace the roots of Kadambi
Proyek ini bertujuan mengkompilasi kerabat yang merupakan keturunan dari Raja-raja Mataram di Pulau Jawa. Proyek ini dimulai dari ide lama yang tertunda karena keterbatasan kemampuan menguasai teknologi dan dana. Ide dasar dari proyek ini adalah menyusun kembali trah Mataram sebagai data pendamping atau basis data bagi Karaton-karaton jawa untuk mendata keturunannya. Basis data ini tentunya dih...
I am trying to get Julie McIntosh Brazier Rowe's family tree back further. but have hit a dead end with her great great grandfather, Henry McIntosh born 1881 in New Brunswick, Canada. He married Julia Sparks. they had 4 kids; Murray, Beatrice, Kenneth and Henry J. . Henry sr died in Caribou, Maine in 1961. According to the marriage licence, the 1920 and 1930 US censuses Henry's father was born ...
hi, ggggggggggggggg
Kan we use this for better coordination??
Hello! Magdi vagyok es szeretnem megosztani amit tudok veletek. Igy talan segithet informacioval valaki amit megkoszonok. Haz.anyk.szama:26/1916. Volegeny: Radak Jozsef,1891.10.23.moson.RADAK JOZSEF, anya: BRODANOVITS IREN. Menyasszony: MESHAM ERZSEBET 1897.01.11.moson. MESHAM ISTVAN, annyaneve:RIEGLER ERZSEBET. MOSONMAGYAROVAR. KEREM HA VALAKI OSEIMROL, LESZARMAZOTTROL, JO ESETBEN ELO CSALADTA...
This project starts as the Kushners descending from Chaim Kushner who emigrated around 1900 from Baranovich, Russia/Belarus. It also includes Zweibels, Reherts, and Gravitz's
Company D =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin