Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Rette opp og legge til data om Erich Lassen Svorstøl

    Hei, min mor har begynt å se litt på Geni og hun sier at det er en del feil når det gjelder Erich Lassen Svorstøl, bla. står hans kone som hans datter og noen av barna mangler. Kan du hjelpe

  • DiGilio Family

    Creating the family tree for the extended DiGilio (no matter how you spell it!) family as clustered in Nesquehoning, PA, and beyond. As our older relatives pass on, we are losing the chance to capitalize on their knowledge. Let's get our family tree firmly planted!

  • Rahel-Hilda Hindov

    Rahel-Hilda Hindov

  • Kenkmann sugupuu

    [ Private Seattle Washington USA. Changed name to Kenkman. Married to Minnia. children Charles Kenkman, Harold Kenkman, Margaret Kenkman Pictard.



  • Domus Aragonensis et Barcinonensis

    Ramon Berenguer IV married Petronila of Aragón, in 1137 which established the dynastic union with Aragón. On his death, their son Alfonso II succeeded to both thrones, uniting Barcelona and Aragon within the Crown of Aragon.

  • Le Rif

    Né près de Constantine en Algérie en 1013, mort à Lucena (Espagne) en 1103 fils de Yaâqov ha-Kohèn; l'un des plus importants décisionnaires de la deuxième génération après les Guéonim de Babèl. Il étudie à Kairouan (Tunisie), puis il vit à Fès (Maroc) où il demeure jusqu'en 1088, d'où son surnom, Alfasi, et son acronyme, RIF, initiales de Rabbi Isaac Fasi). En 1088, quittant Fès après 40 années...

  • História de Pocinhos / PB

    Ainda não entendi como funciona os projetos do Geni. Inicialmente pensei que todos os perfis públicos de uma árvore já fizesse parte do projeto.

  • Nordås-slekta

    Etterkommere etter Mathias Jørgen Simonsen Nordaas

  • familia de la Poza

    con este proyecto queremos encontrar a todas las personas de la Poza y ver como se enlazan unas generaciones con otras hasta nuestros días y cuantas familias coincidimos con los antepasados

  • Noble Family of Norfolk

    This is an outline of the lives of the Noble family based about Great Yarmouth in Norfolk.

  • Lower Saxony (Saxony-Anhalt), Germany

    Cordt Henry Selke is my third-great-grandfather and is the first of my paternal ancestors to immegrate to the United States from Lower Saxony (Saxony-Anhalt), Germany. Aside from his own ancestors, Cordt was married twice before leaving Germany. The goal of this project is to help pull together the family history of anyone related to Cordt or his two wives. I have included in the list of profil...

  • Shankarnath Goswami

    Raja Adisur brought 5 Brahmins from Kannauj in 728AD to Bengal for promoting ecclectical studies. Before that there was no Brahmins in Bengal. Over 40 generations the descendants of these 5 Brahmins have grown & moved all over the world. I want to trace & record these descendants under a super family tree.

  • Pruchenski / Riggle from Poland and Ohio

    I am looking for any information of the Pruchenski, Riggle, Kryzwicki family. Pruchenski, Kryzwicki, Pruchnicke, Haduch immigrated from Poland to the USA, and settled in Ohio, same with the Riggle family settled in Ohio. Please join me in the search of my family & Ancestor's!

  • Seven Lineages of Leuven

    Zeven Geslachten van Leuven==Sept Lignages de Louvain=. Work in progress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Uten Liemingen* Van der Calstren* Van Redingen* Van den Steene* Verrusalem* Gielis* Van Rode----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------==I. Uten Liemingen==* Verwa...

72301-72325 of 73919 projects