Niedzwiecki Benedykt , Cecylia Szyłańska, Niedzwiecki Macjej, Teresa Białonos, Golec Adolf, Sonko Anna
The Agustin Bautista Family Tree Project of Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan, Philippines
The Habedanck family originated from the Baltic states. One of my great grandfathers sailed to Holland and married a Duch girl from Velsen. One of their daughters Maria Habedanck married Dirk van Amstel in Alkmaar. They are the great grandparents of Andre Ronald van Amstel. This project is started to try and find more distant relatives from the Habedanck family line.
This project is to search for and preserve memories of our family through old photographs.
This project is an effort to list and connect all of the people interred in Redford Cemetery, Greystones, Wicklow
This is a project to trace and document the lineage from Haji Omar and Mek Jah (Pasir Mas) and their related family members.
Nobilis Stanisław Żur, Ehefrau die Ehrenhafte Katarzyna Grotowska, verheiratet im Jahr 3.8.1603, Zeugen: Nobilis Jan Grotowski und Jan SlassaQUELLE: MIECZYSLAW SIEKIEJ ZDZIENICKIl. REJESTRY METRYK SZLACHECKICH. POWIATU GRÓJECKIEGO. PARAFJA GROJEC. 1659 — 1603. KALISZ1937. DRUKARNIA POLSKA - KALISZ, UL. RZEŹNJCZA Nr. 1. ZESZYT 3Żur, genannt Żurek von Żurowie und Grotów. Grotowscy (Grotowski) di...
The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.
The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.
The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.
The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.
The Missouri State Guard (MSG) was a state militia organized in the state of Missouri during the early days of the American Civil War. While not initially a formal part of the Confederate States Army, the State Guard fought alongside Confederate troops and, at times, under regular Confederate officers.