ENNIS ALLGOOD NEELY September 1, 1904 - January 26, 1905; Almost 5 months old By Roy "Buddy" Neely Jr. This boy was a twin to Allgood Ellis "Bud" Neely. He died as an infant at the age of four months and twenty-five days. There apparently remains nothing in oral history from living cousins that bears on the reason for his demise. However, it should be pointed out that our grandparents, Will and...
We know that the Turk/Turock? family is connected to the Cohen family -- born in Russia, immigrated to England, and then the US in the 1900-1910 time period. I'm trying to figure out exactly how they are connected.
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Tarutino, Ukraine.
Ship that collided with SS Storsad in Saint Lawrence river at 2:00 A.M. in the middle of a fog and sank in only 14 minutes.
This project is for the Bloomfield and connected families from Clarendon Parish and other places in Jamaica.
Website describing the Ulm DP Camp
Freund and Stutz Families from Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Tondi noorte ohvitseride viimane rühm lôpetasid 1940. Fotod on alles. Oleks ajalooliselt huvitav teada mis nendest sai. ûks nendest oli mu isa Helmut Talts.
Vámbéry Rusztem és Vámbéry Sándor családfája