Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Evergreen Cemetery, Chester, South Carolina

    Evergreen Cemetery, also known as Chester Cemetery , is located on Cemetery Street off Highway 9 headed west into Chester, Chester County, S.C. The cemetery is still in use and has a recently restored memorial section dedicated to unknown Confederate soldiers. There are also many fine examples of mass-produced Victorian cemetery art. Find a Grave

  • Kylä Kärstilä, Tammisuo ko, Teurastamo ko, Haapaniemi ko, Mustalahti ko, Viipurin maalaiskunta, Viipuri

    Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan ja Viipurin kaupungin Kärstilän kylän kyläprojekti. Kylä siityi Viipurin kaupungille 1.1.1933 ja siihe kuuluivat kaavoitetut Kärstilän, Tammisuon, Teurastamon, Haapaniemen sekä Mustalahden kaupunginosat. Varsinainen Tammisuon teollisuusalue kuului viereiselle Papulan kylälle. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiViereiset maalaiskun...

  • Kovno Ghetto

    Kovno Ghetto * Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto * Kovno Pogrom > The Kaunas (Kovno) pogrom, under the direction of the Nazi SS Brigadeführer Franz Walter Stahlecker, was a massacre of Jewish people living in Kaunas, Lithuania that took place in from June 25 to June 29, 1941 – the first days of the Operation Barbarossa and of Nazi occupation of Lithuania. The most infamous incident occurred in...

  • Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Pyhäjärvi, Ol

    Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin.Voit lisätä projektiin Pyhäjärveltä lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Pyhäjärven projektit *Paikkakunta Pyhäjärvi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Pyhäjärvi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi *S...

  • French Resistance Movements during WWII

    Background of the Movements===== The French Resistance movement is an umbrella term which covered numerous anti-German resistance groups that were based within France. ===There were a number of resistance movements, some that took direct orders from the Special Operations Executive , there was the communist resistance, groups loyal to de Gaulle , regional resistance movements that wanted indepe...

  • Corleone, Palermo, Sicily, Italy

    Progenitors=See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list Blanda* Blanda, Anna - child was born in CorleoneCampagna* Campagna, Bernarda Cardella* Cardella, Giuseppe Catanzaro* Catanzaro, Paola - son married in CiminnaChibaro* Chibaro, Giovanni - child was born in CorleoneRizzo* Rizzo, Nicolo - son married in CiminnaSparacio

  • Opgegroeid in… Nederlands Oost-Indië

    opgegroeid in… Nederlands Oost-INDIË===op de Indische ARCHIPEL =Adakah anda keluar …? ==OP JAVA===… DEPOK provincie Jawa Barat - inw: 1.738.570=======burgemeesters NU* 1982-1984 : Moch. Rukasah Suradimadja ‧ ‧ * 1984-1988 : I. Tamdjid ‧ ‧ * 1988-1991 : Abdul Wachyan ‧ ‧ * 1991-1992 : Moch Masduki ‧ ‧ * 1992-1996 : Sofyan Safari Hamim ‧ ‧ * 1997-2005 : Badrul Kamal ‧ ‧ * 2005-anno : Nur Mahmu...

  • Italian Jewish Communities Portal

    In recent years, a growing number of Italian Marranos as well as others of Jewish descent throughout southern Italy and Sicily have begun to return to their roots. Source Jewish Communities of Italy J-Italy Website. History of Jews in Italy Wikipedia List of Italian Jews Wikipedia Jews in the Army of the Kingdom of Italy (1848-1923) Italian Jewish History 200BCE - Jews in It...

  • Groninger Kwartierstatenboek 3

    I received news that the Pedigree-book of Groningen (parts 1, 2 and 3) will be made public online. Parts 1 and 3 are already available. You can find them here: Book 1 Book 2 (will be available soon) Book 3 I would like to add the information of this books to Geni. Who would like to help? Every book has it's own project. For Book 1, see here: Book 3 is completed. All names and pedi...

  • Viitasaaren Keihärinkosken kyläpuu

    Viitasaaren kyläprojektien tarkoitus on toimia työkaluna kaikille kiinnostuneille Viitasaaren pitäjän asukkaiden tietojen systemaattisessa tallentamisessa, tietojen tarkistamisessa ja lähdeaineiston lisäämisessä. Toivomus olisi, että projekti säilytettäisiin nimenomaan työkaluna eikä sitä kasvatettaisi massa-ajoilla.

  • Kylä Ino, Uusikirkko Vl

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Inon kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola | Keppola | Kirjaval...

  • Värmdö municipality, Uppland, Stockholm county, Sweden

    Värmdö municipality, Uppland, Stockholm county, Sweden=This project is started 2021-10-10. Please join and start adding profiles, photos or more information!

  • Bohuslän, Sweden

    Bohuslän is a historical province of Sweden=Bohuslän is a Swedish province in Götaland, on the northernmost part of the country's west coast. It is bordered by Dalsland to the northeast, Västergötland to the southeast, the Skagerrak arm of the North Sea to the west, and the county of Østfold, in Norway, to the north.Bohuslän is named after the medieval Norwegian castle of Bohus. Under the name ...

  • Municipality of Orsa, Dalecarlia, Sweden

    Orsa, Dalecarlia, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Älvdalen , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You should also consider jo...

  • Municipality of Olofström, Blekinge, Sweden

    Olofström, Blekinge, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Olofström , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part ...

  • Municipality of Åmål, Dalia, Sweden

    Åmål, Dalia, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Åmål , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You might also want to consider...

  • Municipality of Laholm, Halland, Sweden

    Laholm, Halland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Laholm , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of a larg...

  • Indian Massacres

    Indian Massacres Cultural clashes between European settlers and Natives lasted for over four hundred years, from isolated incidents to large scale, organized wars. If the casualty was a civilian, of any background, our goal is to capture their death in a project on this list of “Indian Massacres.” So please add profiles to the massacre projects listed below; those projects are also found in t...

  • Padasjoki, Osoilan kylä

    Padasjoki, Osoilan kylä -projekti on aloitettu 11.2.2020. Tämä projekti on vielä keskeneräinen. Projektiin voidaan liittää Osoilan kylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Projektin tietoja täydennetään koko ajan ja tietoja lisätään sitä mukaa kun niitä saadaan kokoon. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta tukeva...

  • Padasjoki, Jokioinen kylä

    Padasjoki, Jokioisten kylä -projekti on aloitettu 11.2.2020. Tämä projekti on vielä keskeneräinen. Projektiin voidaan liittää Jokioistenkylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Projektin tietoja täydennetään koko ajan ja tietoja lisätään sitä mukaa kun niitä saadaan kokoon. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta t...

  • Hudiksvall municipality, Hälsingland, Sweden

    Hudiksvall municipality, Hälsingland, Sweden=The project page is new 2021-09-22 and under construction. Distrikten skapade 2016 motsvarar de äldre socknarna:* Bjuråker* Delsbo* Enånger* Forsa* Hudiksvall* Hälsingtuna* Hög* Idenor* Njutånger* Norrbo* Rogsta.Tätorter:* Hudiksvall* Iggesund* Delsbo* Sörforsa* Näsviken* Njutånger* Enånger* Friggesund* Fredriksfors* Edsta.

  • York County, Maine

    This project is part of the State of Maine Portal . York County, Maine is the extreme southwestern county in the state, along the New Hampshire border and the North Atlantic Ocean. Permanently re-founded in 1639, it held several of the oldest colonial settlement in Maine; consequently, is the oldest county in Maine and one of the oldest in the United States. As of the 2010 census, t...

  • Blacksmiths

    A blacksmith is a metalsmith who creates objects from wrought iron or steel by forging the metal, using tools to hammer, bend, and cut.Please add your ancestors to this project. Profiles must be set to public. This is an international project. Resources* How to temper steel * English Wikipedia * Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths * List of famous blacksmiths * History of blacksmithing * Blacksmi...

  • Fishermen

    Fishermen Image left - Fishing with nets, Tacuinum Sanitatis casanatensis (14th century) A fisherman , (usually a man) is someone who catches fish and other animals from a body of water, or gathers shellfish. The older term fisher is more inclusive of female catchers of fish. Fishing is also something done as a recreational sport for pleasure.

3126-3150 of 74278 projects