Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Municipality of Gagnef, Dalecarlia, Sweden

    Gagnef, Dalecarlia, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Gagnef , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You should also consider join...

  • Municipality of Säter, Dalecarlia, Sweden

    Säter, Dalecarlia, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Säter , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You should also consider joinin...

  • Suomalaiset soittokunnat

    {{}}Vaskipuhallinten kehitys 1800-luvun puolivälissä helpommin hallittaviin aiheutti Suomessakin puhallinorkesterien - torvisoittokuntien - yleistymisen. Vapaapalokunnat, työväenyhdistykset, nuorisoseurat ja monet tehtaat perustivat jäseniensä ja henkilökuntiensa voimin musiikkikokoonpanoja, jotka antoivat omalle kotipaikkakunnalleen ja laajemmallekin alueelle musiikkia eri tilaisuuksiin kirkko...

  • Kuhmoinen, Harmoinen kylä

    aloitettu 7.3.2018 Projektin yhteistyökumppanina (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin) voit täydentää projektikuvausta, ja liittää Harmoisten kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileita projektiin. Suositus on, että profiileissa olisi vähintään yksi lähdetieto , jonka avulla ko. henkilön helposti löytää kirkonarkistosta tai muualta, mistä tietoja profiiliin on otettu. Kts. Helppo lähdetietojen lisä...

  • The Lapland War 1944-1945

    The purpose of the project is to bring together the profiles of those who participated in the battles of the Lapland War and other direct military actions, the soldiers who lost their lives and the civilian victims in Geni. In order for our project to succeed in contributing to the development of the quality of profiles in Geni, we recommend the following practices: When you connect a pers...

  • Maltese (Malta Island) Portal

    This portal or master project is for everything related to the island and country of Malta: history, people, education, geography, etc. Population 2014 estimate: 445,426[2] (171st) 2011 census: 416,055[1] Density: 1,562[1]/km2 (7th) 4,077/sq mi Subprojects Jewish Families of Malta Maltese Politicians & Diplomats Notable Maltese Americans Order of Malta

  • Province di Sondrio - Lombardia, Italy

    BORMIO - Deborah Compagnoni. CAMPODOLCINO - Catherine Levi. CHIAVENNA - Tognoni MORBEGNO TOVO S. AGATA - Foppoli VAL FURVA - 17 july 2022

  • YouTube personalities

    YouTube personalities are people or groups who are popular because of their videos on YouTube. Some YouTube personalities have corporate sponsors, who pay for product placement in their clips or production of online ads.

  • Fayette County, Tennessee

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Fayette County, Tennessee. Official Website Fayette County was established by Tennessee General Assembly in 1824. The county was named after the Marquis de la Fayette, French hero of the American Revolution. Fayette County is culturally alike to the Mississippi Delta and was a major area of cotton plantations dependent on slave labo...

  • Municipality of Varberg, Halland, Sweden

    Varberg, Halland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Varberg , Sweden. Everybody interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a part of a la...

  • Sysmä, Käenmäki kylä

    Käenmäki==* Väihkylä Huuskon isäntä -1796-1805 ==Lähteitä, kirjallisuutta ym.==* Maanmittaushallituksen historiallinen kartta-arkisto, Pitäjänkartasto, 3121 03 Sysmä

  • Adath Yisroel Cemetery - Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, London

    Address is: 246 Carterhatch Lane, Enfield, London EN1 4BE Adath Yisroel Cemetery is a Jewish burial ground, there are more than 12,000 graves, from late 1920s to the present. This Projet is where we Add profiles of people that are buried in the Cemetery. Search HERE for a Grave or Matzeiva in this Cemetery

  • Jewish Families in Stamford Hill - London' 'UK'

    This project collects information Of Jewish Families in Stamford Hill - London, United Kingdom = Stamford Hill is an area in Inner London, England, located about 5.5 miles north-east of Charing Cross. The neighbourhood is a sub-district of Hackney , the major component of the London Borough of Hackney , and is known for its Jewish Chasidic community , the largest concentration of Charedi Hasid...

  • Lopen Läyliäinen - kyläprojekti

    Läyliäinen on yksi Lopen kunnan kylistä. Talot Isojako Lopella useimmissa kylissä alkoi 1780-luvulla (Suomea koskevat isojakoasetukset annettiin vuosina 1762 ja 1775). Kylän liikamaille perustettiin uudistaloja, näitä olivat Patoja, Aatamintalo, Uusitalo, Mustajoki, Routio, Patovan Heikkilä, Keihäsjärvi, Niinimäki, Nummenranta, Talola, Halkova, Hautahuhta, Haapastensyrjä, Myllypakka, ja Sorr...

  • Geschichte von Pesendorf 6 (vlg. Grafsimmerl)

    Herrschaft Finkenegg - Schrampfgült Pfarre St. Georgen an der Stiefing BESITZGESCHICHTE 1718-1743: MITTEREGGER Franz 1743-1793: TRUMMER Peter 1793-1816: FRIEDL Johann 1816-1844: FRIEDL Johann jun. 1844-1864: KIRSCHNER Andreas 1864-1911: KERN Johann 1911-1956: HEIGL Franz 1956-1992: HEIGL Johann 1992-xxxx: JARITZ Monika EREIGNISSE - 1718 scheint Franz Mitteregger als erster Besitzer auf. Er ...

  • 1918-lapsivangit

    1918-LAPSIVANGIT KA UUSI ASTIA tarjoaa lisää skannattuja akteja Fb:491 Valtiorikosoikeuksien aktit 11.1.2022 alkaen Uusi täydentävä tutkimus julkaistu 2.6.2021 VANKILEIREISTÄ Koska tämä projekti käsittelee lasten ja nuorten kohtaloita sisällissodan vankileireillä ja tuomioissa, niin aluksi lyhyt koonti yleensä vankileireistä 1918, terroriteoista, teloituksista, kenttä- ja valtiorikosoi...

  • Oak View Cemetery, Canon, Georgia

    This cemetery is located on Cemetery Street, Canon, Franklin County, Georgia. It's also known as Bowers Memorial Park and Canon City Cemetery . Find a Grave USGW Archives

  • Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni

    The Battle of Chipyong-ni (French: Bataille de Chipyong-ni), also known as the Battle of Dipingli (Chinese: 砥平里战斗; pinyin: Dǐpínglǐ Zhàndòu), was a decisive battle of the Korean War that took place from 13 to 14 February 1951 between US and French units of the US 23rd Infantry Regiment and various units of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) around the village of Chipyong-ni. The result w...

3026-3050 of 74275 projects