Immediate Family
About Raymond I, comte de Toulouse
Raymond I (died 865) was the Count of Limoges (from 841), Rouergue and Quercy (from 849), and Toulouse and Albi (from 852). He was the younger son of Fulcoald of Rouergue and Senegund, niece of William of Gellone through his sister Alda.
In 852, on the death of his brother Fredelon, he, already count of Limoges, Quercy, and Rouergue, received Toulouse and Albi. In 862, he was attacked by Humfrid, Count of Barcelona, and forced to abdicate Limoges. In 863, he was likewise forced to abdicate Rouergue and Toulouse. He died in 865 while fighting for his possessions against the new count Sunifred I.
Raymond married Bertha and had five children:
Bernard II, count at one time or another of Toulouse, Rouergue, Quercy, Albi, and Nîmes
Fulgaud, viscount of Limoges
Odo, count at one time or another of Toulouse, Rouergue, and Quercy and duke of Septimania
Aribert, abbot of Vabres
a daughter who married Lupo I of Bigorre
RAYMOND ([815/20]-before 17 Apr 865). "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres for the souls of "genitoris nostri Fulgualdi et…genetrice mea Senegundi et…germano meo Fredolone quondam" by charter dated 3 Nov 862, which names "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document), subscribed by "…Begonis vicecomitis…"[191]. He was appointed Comte de Rouergue et Comte de Quercy in 849 by Charles “le Chauve” King of France, in recognition for his help in fighting Pippin II King of Italy. He succeeded in 855 as RAYMOND I Comte et Marquis de Toulouse. He founded the abbey of Vabres in 862 (see charter quoted above). The Annales Bertiniani record that "Hunfridus Gothiæ marchio" expelled "Tolosam Reimundo" in 863[192]. m BERTHE [Bertheis], daughter of REMY [Remigius] & his wife Arsinde --- (-after 6 Apr 883). "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres by charter dated 3 Nov 862[193]. "Berteiz comitissa et filius meus Bernardus comes et marchio Tolosensis" donated property "in pago Ruthenico…in Tarnesca" to Vabres, constructed by "genitor noster Raymundus marchio quondam Tolosensis…cum genetrice mea Berteiz iam dicta", by charter dated 17 Apr 865, subscribed by "…Begoni vicecomiti…"[194]. "Bertheiz sagaci" donated property to Vabres, for the souls of "genitoris mei Remigii hac genetricis meæ Arsinda" and for "iugale meo Raimundo et filio meo Bernardo qui fuerunt quondam, seu et filio meo Odone et Benedicto", by charter dated 6 Apr 883[195]. Comte Raymond I & his wife had [six] children:
a) BERNARD (-[Aug/Dec] 874). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 3 Nov 862 under which "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres, naming "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document)[196]. He succeeded his father as BERNARD I Comte et Marquis de Toulouse. "Berteiz comitissa et filius meus Bernardus comes et marchio Tolosensis" donated property "in pago Ruthenico…in Tarnesca" to Vabres, constructed by "genitor noster Raymundus marchio quondam Tolosensis…cum genetrice mea Berteiz iam dicta", by charter dated 17 Apr 865, subscribed by "…Begoni vicecomiti…"[197]. The Annales Bertiniani name "rex markiones Bernardum scilicet Tolosæ et iterum Bernardum Gothiæ, itemque Bernardum alium" in 868[198]. Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the foundation of "mon. Vabrensi…in pago Ruthenico" by "Bernardus Tolosanus Marchio…pater eius Ragemundus", after the death of "Benedicto filio Ragemundi fratri suo", by charter dated 21 Jun 870[199]. A charter dated Aug 870 records a judgment given by "Bernardum comitem"[200]. He assumed the title Comte de Carcassonne et de Rodez in 871. He was probably murdered on the orders of Bernard “Plantevelue” Comte d’Auvergne. "Bertheiz sagaci" donated property to Vabres, for the souls of "genitoris mei Remigii hac genetricis meæ Arsinda" and for "iugale meo Raimundo et filio meo Bernardo qui fuerunt quondam, seu et filio meo Odone et Benedicto", by charter dated 6 Apr 883[201]. "Frotarius…Biturigensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus" confirmed privileges to "villa Orbaciaco" for the souls of "Regimundi filiorumque eius Bernardi et Oddonis atque Arberti" by charter dated Aug 887[202].
b) FOUCAUD [Fulqualdus] (-after [6 Apr 883]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 3 Nov 862 under which "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres, naming "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document)[203]. "Bertheis" donated property for the souls of "genitoris mei Remigii hac genetricis meæ Arsinda" and for "iugale meo Raimundo et filio meo Bernardo qui fuerunt quondam seu et filio meo Odone et Benedicto" by charter dated 6 Apr 883, subscribed by "Fulquoaldus"[204].
c) ODON [Odonus/Eudes] (-after 16 Jun 918). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 3 Nov 862 under which "Raymundus…comes et marchio et uxor mea Berteyz" founded the abbey of Vabres, naming "Bernardum filium nostrum…Fulgualdus filius noster…Odo filius noster" (all three of whom also subscribed the document)[205]. He succeeded as ODON Comte de Toulouse.
- see below.
d) BENEDICT (-[before 3 Nov 862]). Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks confirmed the foundation of "mon. Vabrensi…in pago Ruthenico" by "Bernardus Tolosanus Marchio…pater eius Ragemundus", after the death of "Benedicto filio Ragemundi fratri suo", by charter dated 21 Jun 870[206].
e) HERIBERT [Arbertus]. His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated Aug 867 under which "Oddo comes, uxorque mea Garsindis" sold property "in comitatu Lemovicino…villa…Orbaciacus", with the consent of "fratre nostro Airberto" and subscribed by "Garsis comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[207]. "Bertheiz sagaci" donated property to Vabres, for the souls of "genitoris mei Remigii hac genetricis meæ Arsinda" and for "iugale meo Raimundo et filio meo Bernardo qui fuerunt quondam, seu et filio meo Odone et Benedicto", by charter dated 6 Apr 883[208]. The identity of "filio meo…Benedicto" in this document presents an interesting problem. As can be seen above, the monastery of Vabres was founded in 862 after the death of Benedict, son of Berthe, as confirmed by the charter of Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks dated 21 Jun 870. However, the wording of Berthe´s charter of 883 suggests that both her sons Odon and "Benedicto" were alive at that date. An answer appears to be provided by the subscriptions of the 883 charter, which include "…Airiberto, qui vocatus fuit Benedictus, qui hoc consensit". This subscription does not state the relationship between the donor and this subscriber. He is the only subscriber (out of sixteen) who is described as having consented to the donation. This suggests a close relationship with the donor, except that his name is listed eighth in the list so appears not to be given any particular precedence. Nevertheless, this subscription raises the possibility that "filio meo…Benedicto" was the same person as Berthe´s son who is named "Airberto" in other documents. "Oddo…comes uxorque mea Garsindis" exchanged property with Frotaire Archbishop of Bourges by charter dated to [886] witnessed by "Airberti fratris eius, Garsiæ scriptoris comitis, Willelmi comitis…"[209]. "Frotarius…Biturigensis ecclesiæ archiepiscopus" confirmed privileges to "villa Orbaciaco" for the souls of "Regimundi filiorumque eius Bernardi et Oddonis atque Arberti" by charter dated Aug 887, although the charter of the same date shows that Oddon and Heribert were alive at that time[210].
f) daughter . Hincmar Archbishop of Reims addressed a letter to bishops in France dated 860 relating to the marriage of "Stephanum" and "Regimundis comitis…filiam" relating that the latter complained of non-consummation of the marriage dated "7 Kal Jun Indictione XIII"[211]. m ETIENNE [Stephanus] Comte [d'Auvergne], son of HUGUES --- (-killed Auvergne 864).
g) [REGILINDIS ([860/65]-). An 11th century history of Angoulême names "Bernardo, nepote Odonis"[212], referring to Bernard de Périgueux. Settipani point out the uncertainty about the identity of "Odo", but suggests that it refers to Eudes Comte de Toulouse than Eudes King of France[213]. She is named in an act at Angoulême dated [907/908][214]. m ([892]%29 GUILLAUME I Comte de Périgueux et d’Agen, son of VULGRINUS Comte d'Angoulême & his wife Regelindis d'Autun (-[918]).]
Comte de Toulouse de Quercy
Raymond I, comte de Toulouse's Timeline
815 |
840 |
Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France
846 |
Narbonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, France
860 |
865 |
April 17, 865
Age 50
1992 |
April 17, 1992
Age 50
May 13, 1992
Age 50
???? | |||
???? |