Alice Shirley (b abt 1506 - Buried: 9 May 1570) was the daughter of Sir Richard Shirley of Wiston, Sussex (Bef 1477-1540) and Alma Shelley (-Abt 1542).
1. Marriage (1): Thomas Chaloner of Lindfield, Sussex about 1527. He was the son of John Chaloner of Lindfield, Sussex (-Bef 1521) and Alice (-Bef 1521).
Their children
Stemmata Shirleiana. By E.P. Shirley. Page 246. GoogleBooks
By his first wife Sir Richard had issue four sons and six daughters: viz.
William Sherley his eldest son, Thomas, Edward, and Richard; of the three younger sons I have no further accounts; the daughters were,
(A different) Alice Shirley Chaloner‘s daughter Mary Chaloner’s husband John Cowper is listed in her brother Ralph Sherley of Wiston Will, proved in 1510:
Will of Ralph Sherley of Wiston Esq. 1510 - 11 Feb 1509. To be buried in church of Westneston, to Cathedral of Chichester, to church of Westneston, chapel of Heene, church of Chiltyngton, church of Chesham Wobone Bucks, church of Lytelmyssyngdon, church of Lynemynster, church of Stenyning, Ffyndon, Wasshyngton, Ashynton, Bownton (Buncton), Ashurst, Botolphs, Cokeham, Lawnsyng and Olde Shorym. To daughter Jahane Dawtre, Elizbeth Lee, Beatrix Elryngton, and Isabell Dawtre, to Rauff Belyngham the younger and Rauff Palmer my godchildren, to nephew Andrew Tanner, to Edward Berde, to wife Johane farm of Bodyngton, to son Thomas Sherley, to son Richard. Wife executor, to good friend and cousin John Sherley cofferer to the King overseer, "where Thos Cooke, Rauff Belyngham, John Lee, Edward Palmer, John Cowper and Wingary Sayne lately recovered against me certain lands and tenements in Hunderage, Charlerage, Botley, Chesham Leycester, and Chesham Wobourn in county of Buckinghamshire the use of me during my life…PCC Proven 1510.
Stirnet's "Shirley1" page (link below) does not mention that Alice's marriage or issue.
“Mary who married John Cowper was Not the daughter of Thomas Chaloner and his wife Alice. Although Thomas had a daughter named Mary, she was still unmarried in his will of 1559. [2]“
1506 |
Westneston (now Wiston), Sussex, England
1534 |
England, United Kingdom
1536 |
England, United Kingdom
1537 |
England, United Kingdom
1538 |
England, United Kingdom
1540 |
1542 |
1544 |
1546 |