- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adela_of_Flanders
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Flanders and Hainaut:
ROBERT de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1035]-13 Oct 1093).
- The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Balduinum Haanoniensem, et Robdbertum cognomento postea Iherosolimitanum, et Matilde uxorem Guillelmi regis Anglorum" as the children of "Balduinum Insulanum [et] Adelam"[270]. "Robertus filius Balduini comitis Insulani" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[271]. He is recorded by Orderic Vitalis as uncle of Robert de Normandie[272]. The Annales Blandinienses record that in 1063 "Rodbertus, Baldwini potentissimi iunior filius, Frisiam subintrat"[273].
- He was regent of the county of Holland 1062-1071, during the minority of his stepson.
- He rebelled against his nephew Arnoul III Count of Flanders and defeated him at the battle of Cassel 22 Feb 1071, succeeding as ROBERT I "le Frison" Count of Flanders. He was recognised as count by Philippe I King of France after Robert transferred Corbie to him, the arrangement being confirmed by the king's marriage to Count Robert's stepdaughter Bertha of Holland[274].
- Relations with William I King of England were poor, culminating in Count Robert's planned naval attack in 1085, with his son-in-law Knud II King of Denmark, although the enterprise ended when the latter was assassinated[275].
- William of Malmesbury records that Robert made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, dated to between 1086 and 1090[276]. On his way back, he entered the service of Emperor Alexios I[277].
- The Annales Blandinienses record the death "III Id Oct 1093" of "Rodbertus, primus huius nominis Flandriæ marchysus"[278].
m (1063) as her second husband, GERTRUD of Saxony, widow of FLORIS I Count of Holland, daughter of BERNHARD II Duke of Saxony [Billung] & his wife Eilika von Schweinfurt (Schweinfurt [1028]-Veurne 18 Jul or 4 Aug 1113, bur Veurne).
- "Gertrudis" is named as wife of "Roberti Frisonis" in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which does not give her origin[279]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "filiam Bernardi Saxonum comitis Gertrudem" as wife of "Robertus", specifying that she was "viduam Florentii comitis Fresonum"[280]. The Genealogia ex stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Idam Namucensem…uxorem Angelberti marchionis et Gertrudem comitissam Flandrensem" as children of "Bernardum"[281]. The Annales Egmundani specify that Robert acquired "comitatum Hollandiæ et Fresiæ" by marrying Gertrud[282].
- The date of her second marriage is based on the Chronologia Johannes de Beke recording that, two years after the death of her first husband, Gertrud married "Roberto iuniori filio Balduini comitis Flandrie", specifying that the latter ruled the county of Holland on behalf of "Theodrici domicelli iunioris adhuc etatis"[283].
- The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "XV Kal Aug" of "Gertrudis comitissa"[284]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "IV die Aug" of "Gheertrudis…" and her burial in Flanders[285].
Count Robert & his wife had six children:
1. ADELA de Flandre ([1065]-Apr 1115)
- The Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin specifies that "filia primogenita Robert Frisonis et Gertrudis" was the wife of "Canuti regis Dacie", but does not give her name[286]. The Annales Blandinienses name "Athelæ amitæ [Balduini comes]" as the mother of "Karolus"[287]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana specifies that "Robertus comes cognomento Frisio" had three daughters "quarum prima nupsit Kanuto regi Danorum, quam postea habuit Rogerus dux Apulie"[288]. Malaterra names the wife of "dux Rogerius" as "neptem Francorum regis Philippi filiam Flandrensium marchionis Roberti…Adalalam"[289]
- She was regent in Apulia 1111-1114 for her son Guillaume Duke of Apulia
- The Lamberti Audomariensis Chronica records the death "V Kal Apr" of "Athela ducissa Apuliæ…filia Roberti Flandriæ comitis, uxor Rogerii ducis", although the year is not specified[290]
m firstly ([1080]) KNUD II “den Hellige/the Holy” King of Denmark, illegitimate son of SVEND II King of Denmark & his mistress --- (-murdered Odense, St Albans Church 10 Jul 1086, bur Odense, St Albans Church, later called St Knuds Church).
m secondly (1090) ROGER "Borsa/the Purse" Duke of Apulia, son of ROBERT "Guiscard/Weasel" Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita di Salerno ([1061]-22 Feb 1111).
Adela & her first husband had three children:
a) CARL of Denmark ([1084]-murdered Bruges 2 Mar 1127, bur Bruges, St Donatien, later Saint-Sauveur).
- "Carolus filius Canuti, regis Dacie, ex filia primogenita Robert Frisonis et Gertrudis" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[291]. "Caroli regis Danorum filii" is named in the donation to Saint-Bertin of "Balduinus Flandrensium marchisus" dated 1119[292].
- His mother took him to Flanders for safety after the murder of his father in 1086.
- He made a pilgrimage to Palestine in [1107][293].
- He was received in Flanders in 1111 by Count Robert II. "Karolo et Wilhelmo nepotibus comitis" were named in the grant to Saint-Bertin of "Balduinus Roberti iunioris filius Flandrensium comes" dated 1119[294]. The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ specifies that Count Charles was given "comitatum Ambianensem cum castello Incrensi" prior to his accession as count[295].
- Enjoying close relations with Count Baudouin VII, who designated him as his successor on his deathbed, he succeeded in 1119 as CHARLES "the Good" Count of Flanders.
- He was opposed by Dowager Countess Clémence who supported the candidature of Guillaume d'Ypres[296].
- Galbert de Bruges records that, during the captivity of Baudouin II King of Jerusalem in 1123/24, a faction hostile to the king offered the throne of Jerusalem to Count Charles, who refused the offer[297].
- Count Charles was one of the four candidates (the other three being Friedrich II Duke of Swabia, Leopold III "der Heilige" Markgraf of Austria and Lothar von Süpplingenberg Duke of Saxony) for election to the throne of Germany on the death of Emperor Heinrich V in 1125. He was supported in particular by Friedrich Archbishop of Köln.
- Charles was a popular count in Flanders, releasing grain from his stores to help relieve the severe famine of 1124/25 and making increased use of the courts to settle disputes.
- He was opposed by Bertulf, provost of St Donatien in Bruges, chancellor of Flanders, and leader of the Erembald clan about whose servile origins a dispute arose. The Erembald clan arranged the count's assassination and offered the countship to Guillaume d'Ypres, the whole episode being recorded at length by Galbert de Bruges[298].
- The Annals of Saint-Bertin record that Charles was murdered while hearing mass in Bruges church[299].
- m (before Jul 1119) as her first husband, MARGUERITE de Clermont, daughter of RENAUD Comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis & his first wife Adela de Vermandois ([1104/05]-after 1145). The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ names "nobilem puellam Margaretam, Reinaldi comitis Clarmontensis filiam" as wife of Count Charles, specifying that the marriage took place before his accession[300]. She married secondly ([1128]%29 as his second wife, Hugues [III] “Candavène” Comte de Saint-Pol, and thirdly Baudouin d’Encre. The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses refers to (but does not name) the daughter of "comes de Claromonte" and his wife Adela, specifying that she married firstly Charles Count of Flanders, secondly "Hugo Champdaveine…comes Sancti Pauli" by whom she had "Radulfus Champdaveine et Guod Champdaveine", and thirdly "dominus Balduinus de Encra" by whom she had "domini Galteri de Helli"[301].
b) - other children.
2. ROBERT (1065-[5 Oct] 1111, bur Arras St Vaast[302]).
- "Roberti filius eius [Robertus Flandrensium comes]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[303]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Philippum et Robertum" as sons of "Robertus [et] vidua Gertrude"[304].
- He ruled with his father as joint count of Flanders from 1086[305].
- He succeeded his father in 1093 as ROBERT II Count of Flanders.
- He joined the First Crusade in 1096, and was joint-leader of a contingent with Robert Duke of Normandy and Etienne Comte de Blois[306]. As the crusaders approached Antioch in Oct 1097, a contingent under Count Robert captured Artah to the south-west[307]. After the capture of Jerusalem, he left Palestine for Europe in Sep 1099[308].
- He helped Henry I King of England conquer Normandy from his brother Robert in 1106, in accordance with the alliance agreed in the Treaty of Dover in 1103 which was renewed in 1110[309].
- Orderic Vitalis records that Count Robert was among the forces of Louis VI King of France which fought Thibaut IV Comte de Blois near Meaux, that he was trampled as the king fled with his men, and died a few days later[310]. According to William of Malmesbury, he was mortally wounded in a tournament[311]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "III Non Oct" of "Rotbertus Flandrensium comes"[312], which is consistent with the date of death of Count Robert II shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[313]. However, it seems more likely that this entry relates to Count Robert I (whose death is recorded on 13 Oct in another source, see above) as the same necrology also records the death "XV Kal Aug" of "Gertrudis comitissa" who may be identified with the wife of the older count Robert[314].
- m (before 1092) as her first husband, CLEMENCE de Bourgogne, daughter of GUILLAUME I Comte de Bourgogne & his wife Etiennette --- ([1078]-[1133]). "Clementie Flandrarum comitisse" is named as wife of "Robertus iunior" in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[315]. Orderic Vitalis names her as wife of Count Robert but does not give her origin[316]. Her origin is confirmed by the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana which names "Clementiam filiam Willelmi comitis Burgundionum cognomento Testahardith" as wife of "Rodbertus Rodberti filius"[317]. Clemence could not have been born much later than 1078, given the birth of her first child (by her first husband) in 1093. She was appointed regent in Flanders during the absence of her first husband on crusade[318]. She promoted the monastic movement and introduced Cluniac rule into several abbeys in Flanders[319]. She founded Bourbourg Abbey with her first husband in [1103]. "Balduinus Flandrensium comes et Clementia comitissa" confirmed the donation of the church of Saint-Bertin to Cluny made by "dominus meus Rotbertus comes", by charter 12 Apr 1112[320]. She opposed the succession in 1119 of Count Charles, supporting the candidature of Guillaume d'Ypres[321]. She married secondly ([1125]%29 as his second wife, Godefroi V Duke of Lower Lotharingia. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. The Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin records the death in [1133] of "Clementia Roberti iunioris vidua" and specifies that "eatenus pene terciam partem Flandrie dotis loco tenuit"[322], although it is curious that this entry does not mention her second husband who was still alive when his wife died.
- Robert II & his wife had three children: Baudouin VII, Count of Flanders (c1092/1093 - 17 June 1119) m 1110 Havise de Bretagne (dau Alain IV "Fergant" Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde d'Anjou) divorced for consanguinity; Guillaume de Flandre (1094-1109); Unknown de Flandre (1095-young)
3. PHILIPPE de Flandres "de Loo" (-before 1127).
- The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Philippum et Robertum" as sons of "Robertus [et] vidua Gertrude"[338]. "Philippi fratris Roberi iunioris Flandrie comitis" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[339]. The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names "Rodbertum et Philippum" as the two sons of "Rodbertus Barbatus [et] Gertrude", specifying that Philippe was buried at "Bergis"[340]. "Philippus filius Roberti marchionis cognomento Frisonis" transferred rights to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Loo by charter dated 1093 which also names "fratris mei Roberti comiti Flandrie"[341].
- Mistress (1): ---. According to Vanderkindere, Philippe´s mistress was "a wool carder"[342]. Some details about her family are provided by the charter dated 1162 under which Philippe´s illegitimate son "Willelmus de Ipres…cum Leliosa consanguinea mea et cum filia sua Petronilla" donated revenue from land, which "pater ipsius Leliose, Thebaldus…de Aria" held from "patre meo Philippo" and which Guillaume had granted to "Eghellino de Furnis" on his marriage to Leliose with the consent of "Thebaldi junioris fratris Leliose", to the abbey of Bourbourg, signed by "…Theobaldus filius Eghellini de Furnis…"[343]. Galbert of Bruges records that Guillaume d´Ypres was captured "cum fratre suo Thiebaldo Sorel" at Ypres 10 Sep 1127[344]. Presumably Thibaut Sorel was the son of Guillaume´s mother by a subsequent marriage or relationship. It is possible that he was the same person as "Thebaldus…de Aria" who is named in the 1162 charter, in which case "Leliose" was the niece of Guillaume d´Ypres.
- Philippe de Loo had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1): Guillaume d'Ypres (c1090-c1165) m. Unknown wife, no children.
4. [OGIVE] de Flandre (before 1071-Apr before 1141).
- The Flandria Generosa refers to a daughter of Count Robert and his wife Gertrude as "apud Mescinas sanctimonialis et abbatissa venerabilis", but does not name her[366]. Galbert of Bruges names "abbatissam Messinis et Gertrudem" as the daughters of Robert I Count of Flanders and his wife Gertrude[367]. The Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini names "Ogieva" as the fourth sister of "Robertus Frisionis"[368]. Although the source mistakes "daughters" for "sisters", it is possible that the first name is correct[369].
- Abbess of Messines before 1107.
5. [BAUDOUIN de Flandre (-before 1080).
- He is named as son of Count Robert in Europäische Stammtafeln[370] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.]
6. GERTRUDE de Flandre (-[1115/26]).
- Galbert of Bruges names "abbatissam Messinis et Gertrudem" as the daughters of Robert I Count of Flanders and his wife Gertrude[371]. Her parentage and both her marriages are deduced from the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin which names "Gertrude filia Roberti Frisonis, vidua Henrici Bruselensis" as mother of "Theodericum", who is in turn named "filium Theoderici ducis de Helsath"[372]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana specifies that "Robertus comes cognomento Frisio" had three daughters and that "tercia Theoderico comiti Alsatie [nupsit]"[373]. A charter dated 1095 records a donation to Flône, notes the approval of "Henricus Lovaniensis comitis" and adds that he married "filie Roberti Flandriensis comitis"[374].
- m firstly HENRI III Comte de Louvain, son of HENRI II Comte de Louvain & his wife Adela [Adelheid] in der Betuwe (-Tournai 5 Feb 1095).
- m secondly (Han-sur-Lesse 15 Aug 1095) as his second wife, THIERRY II Duke of Lorraine, son of GERARD Duke of Upper Lotharingia & his wife Hadwide [de Namur] (-30 Dec 1115).
- Gertrud & her second husband had children: Thierry de Lorraine, Count of Flanders (c1099/1101 - 1168), and others.
- [270] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306.
- [271] Saint-Bertin I.21, p. 197.
- [272] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. III, Book V, p. 103.
- [273] Annales Blandinienses 1063, MGH SS V, p. 26.
- [274] Nicholas (1992), p. 52.
- [275] Nicholas (1992), p. 57.
- [276] Malmesbury, 257, pp. 242-3.
- [277] Runciman, S. (1978) A History of the Crusades (Penguin), Vol. 1, p. 166.
- [278] Annales Blandinienses 1093, MGH SS V, p. 27.
- [279] Saint-Bertin II.92, p. 288.
- [280] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306.
- [281] Genealogia ex stirpe Sancti Arnulfi descendentium Mettensis 7, MGH SS XXV, p. 384.
- [282] Annales Egmundani 1063, MGH SS XVI, p. 447.
- [283] Chronologia Johannes de Beke 46, p. 87.
- [284] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 321.
- [285] Beka's Egmondsch Necrologium, in Oppermann, O. (1933) Fontes Egmundenses (Utrecht), p. 107.
- [286] Guérard, M. (ed.) (1840) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Bertin (Paris) II.92, p. 288.
- [287] Annales Blandinienses 1119, MGH SS V, p. 28.
- [288] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana, Continuatio Leidensis et Divionensis (Cod. Divion. et Cisterc. addunt), MGH SS IX, p. 307.
- [289] Pontiari, E. (ed.) (1927-8) De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriæ et Siciliæ comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (Bologna) (“Malaterra”), IV.20, p. 98.
- [290] Lamberti Audomariensis Chronica 1113, Catalogus Regum Langobardorum et Imperatorum, MGH SS V, p. 66.
- [291] Saint-Bertin II.92, p. 288.
- [292] Saint-Bertin II.45, p. 256.
- [293] Murray (2000), p. 144.
- [294] Saint-Bertin II.28, p. 239.
- [295] Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ 7, MGH SS XII, p. 542, footnote 15 specifying that this was Encres in Picardy and that his predecessor Count Baudouin had given it to him in 1115.
- [296] Nicholas (1992), p. 62.
- [297] Pirenne, H. (1891) Histoire du meurtre de Charles le Bon Comte de Flandre par Galbert de Bruges (Paris) ("Galbert de Bruges"), 5, p. 10, discussed in Murray (2000), pp. 139-45.
- [298] Nicholas (1992), pp. 62-3, and Galbert de Bruges.
- [299] Saint-Bertin II.1, 1127, p. 297.
- [300] Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ 7, MGH SS XII, p. 542.
- [301] De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses MGH SS, p. 257.
- [302] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XI, p. 163, and Annales Elnonenses Maiores 1111, MGH SS V, p. 14, "Atrebato sepelitur".
- [303] Saint-Bertin I.29, p. 205.
- [304] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306.
- [305] Annales Blandinienses 1086, MGH SS V, p. 26.
- [306] Runciman (1978), Vol. 1, p. 166.
- [307] Runciman (1978), Vol. 1, p. 215.
- [308] Runciman (1978), Vol. 1, p. 298.
- [309] Nicholas (1992), p. 58.
- [310] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XI, p. 161.
- [311] William of Malmesbury 257, p. 243.
- [312] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 328.
- [313] ES II 5.
- [314] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 321.
- [315] Saint-Bertin II.57, p. 266.
- [316] Orderic Vitalis, Vol. VI, Book XI, p. 163.
- [317] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306.
- [318] Runciman (1978), Vol. 1, p. 166.
- [319] Nicholas (1992), p. 58.
- [320] Cluny Tome V, 3899, p. 249.
- [321] Nicholas (1992), p. 62.
- [322] Saint-Bertin II.11, p. 298.
- [338] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306.
- [339] Saint-Bertin II.11, 1127, p. 298.
- [340] Lamberti Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ 8, MGH SS IX, p. 311.
- [341] Weissenbruch, M. (ed.) (1870) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Pierre de Loo 1093-1794 ("Loo Saint-Pierre") I, p. 1.
- [342] Vanderkindere (1902), Vol. 1, p. 301, "une cardeuse de laine".
- [343] Duvivier, C. (1898) Actes et documents anciens interéssant la Belgique (Brussels), p. 241.
- [344] Galbert de Bruges, 86, p. 131.
- [366] Flandria Generosa 16, MGH SS IX, p. 321, footnote 77 naming her "Otgiva seu Maria" without specifying the source on which this is based.
- [367] Galbert de Bruges, 68, p. 109.
- [368] Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini auctore Iohanne Longo de Ipra 38.4, MGH SS XXV, p. 785.
- [369] MGH SS XXV, p. 785, footnote 7 states that she is named "Maria" in a later edition of the Chronicæ Flandrensis.
- [370] ES II 5.
- [371] Galbert de Bruges, 68, p. 109.
- [372] Saint-Bertin II.11, p. 299.
- [373] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana, Continuatio Leidensis et Divionensis (Cod. Divion. et Cisterc. addunt), MGH SS IX, p. 307, where the second daughter is incorrectly referred to as the wife of Philippe II King of France.
- [374] Evrard, M. (ed.) ´Documents relatifs à l´abbaye de Flône´, Analectes pour servir à l´histoire ecclésiastique de la Belgique, Tome XXIII (Louvain, 1892) ("Flône"), II, p. 285.
From the Foundation For Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Denmark (Covering Adela's first marriage family):
KNUD (-murdered Odense, St Albans Church 10 Jul 1086, bur Odense, St Albans Church, later called St Knuds Church).
- Illegitimate son of King Svend listed in Knytlinga Saga, third in order in the list[362], while Saxo Grammaticus lists him ninth in order and implies that he was the full brother of Erik[363].
- Florence of Worcester records that "Suani regis Danorum filii, Haroldus, Canutus et patruus eorum Esbernus comes et comes Turkillus" sailed from Denmark in [1069] and landed "in ostio Humbræ fluminis"[364]. He challenged the succession of his brother Harald in 1074, supported in particular by the Scanians, but went into exile when he was unsuccessful[365].
- Jarl in Sjælland 1074.
- He invaded England in 1075, joining a revolt against William I King of England, raiding Yorkshire. He succeeded his brother in 1080 as KNUD II “den Hellige/the Holy” King of Denmark. The Chronicon Roskildense records that "frater eius Kanutus" succeeded on the death of "Haroldus"[366].
- He led expeditions against the Curones (in coastal Latvia, later Courland) and Estonians[367].
- He was planning another invasion of England with his father-in-law in 1085, but was delayed "almost two years by the adverseness of the wind, changed his design, affirming that it must be the determination of God that he could not put to sea", but later being "misled by the suggestions of some persons who attributed the failure of their passage to the conjurations of certain old women, he sentenced the chiefs whose wives were accused … to an intolerable fine" and was murdered in consequence[368].
- Saxo Grammaticus records that he was besieged in the church of St Alban, while praying, by "the mutinous populace" who eventually broke in and killed him on the altar[369]. The Chronicon Roskildense records that "Kanutus" was killed "Othinse in ecclesia sancti Albani" in 1090 in the eleventh year of his reign[370].
- Canonised 1100 by Pope Pascal II, feast day 19 Jan.
m ([1080]%29 as her first husband, ADELA de Flandre, daughter of ROBERT I "le Frison" Count of Flanders & his wife Gertrud of Saxony [Billung] ([1065]-Apr 1115)
- Her marriage and parentage are referred to by Saxo Grammaticus[371].
- She returned to Flanders from Denmark after her husband's murder with her son, leaving her daughters behind[372].
- She married secondly (1092) Roger "Borsa/the Purse" Duke of Apulia.
King Knud II & his wife had three children:
a) CARL ([1084]-murdered Bruges 2 Mar 1127, bur Bruges, St Donatien, later Saint-Sauveur).
- Saxo Grammaticus names him as his father's legitimate son[373]. "Carolus filius Canuti, regis Dacie, ex filia primogenita Robert Frisonis et Gertrudis" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[374]. "Caroli regis Danorum filii" is named in the donation to Saint-Bertin of "Balduinus Flandrensium marchisus" dated 1119[375].
- His mother took him to Flanders for safety after the murder of his father in 1086. (He made a pilgrimage to Palestine [1107][376].
- He was received in Flanders in 1111 by Count Robert II. He succeeded in 1119 as CHARLES "the Good" Count of Flanders.
b) CÆCILIA ([1085/86]-after Jan 1131).
- Twin with her sister Ingegerd, they were left in Denmark when their mother fled to Flanders after their father's murder according to Saxo Grammaticus who also names her husband[377].
- She is named in the Passio as the hostess of Knud "Lavard" during his stay with her husband in early 1131[378].
- m ERIK "prefect of the Goths".
- Jarl at Falster (island off south Zealand).
- Saxo Grammaticus records that Knud "Lavard" was murdered while staying at the house of "Ericus prefect of Falster" in Haraldsted in 1131[379].
- As "Ericus dux" he witnessed the 1 Sep 1145 charter of Archbishop Eskill at Lund[380].
- Erik & his wife had two children: Knud and Karl
c) INGEGERD ([1085/86]-).
- Twin with her sister Cæcilie, they were left in Denmark when their mother fled to Flanders after their father's murder according to Saxo Grammaticus who also names her husband[383].
- m FOLKE "den Digre/the Fat" Jarl in Sweden , son of ---.
- [362] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), p. 230-31, which quotes Knytlinga Saga, ch. 23.
- [363] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, VII, p. 58.
- [364] Florentii Wigornensis Monachi Chronicon, p. 3.
- [365] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, X, pp. 69-72, and XI, p. 72.
- [366] Chronicon Roskildense, X, p. 23.
- [367] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XI, p. 72.
- [368] Malmesbury, 261, p. 245.
- [369] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XV, pp. 84-5.
- [370] Chronicon Roskildense, X, p. 24.
- [371] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XI, p. 72.
- [372] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XIV, p. 86.
- [373] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XI, p. 72.
- [374] Guérard, M. (ed.) (1840) Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Saint-Bertin (Paris) II.92, p. 288.
- [375] Saint-Bertin II.45, p. 256.
- [376] Murray, A. V. (2000) The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: a dynastic history 1099-1125 (Prosopographica & Genealogica), p. 144.
- [377] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XIV, p. 86.
- [378] The Passio, Vitæ Sanctorum Danorum, ed. M. C. Gertz, 2 vols, 1908-12, 195, cited in Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), p. 311 footnote 56.
- [379] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 13, VI, p. 127.
- [380] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), p. 257 footnote 79.
- [381] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XIV, p. 86.
- [382] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XIV, p. 86.
- [383] Saxo Grammaticus (Christiansen), 11, XIV, p. 86.
From the Foundation For Medieval Genealogy Medlands Project page on Sicily (Covering Adela's second marriage family):
ROGER of Apulia, son of ROBERT "Guiscard/Weasel" de Hauteville Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita of Salerno ([1060/61]-22 Feb 1111, bur Salerno San Mateo).
- The Annals of Romoald name (in order) "Rogerium et Robbertum atque Guidonem" as the three sons of Robert "Guiscard" & his second wife[359]. William of Tyre names him and his father[360]. Tudebodus Imitatus states, in relation to Bohémond, that Roger was "frater eius ex solo patre"[361].
- During his father's serious illness of 1066, his mother forced her husband's vassals in Trani as his father's successor. He was campaigning in Greece when his father died.
- Having been designated sole heir, he succeeded in 1085 as ROGER "Borsa/the Purse" Duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily. Returning to Italy to take possession, he was challenged by his half-brother Bohemond. Despite military support from Roger Count of Sicily, provided in return for those parts of Calabria and Sicily in possession of the Duke of Apulia, his reign witnessed the territorial decline of Apulia, reduced to little more than the previous principality of Salerno[362].
- The Annals of Romoald record the death of "Rogerius dux" in Feb 1111, specifying that he was 50 years old and that he was buried "in ecclesia beati Mathei apostoli"[363].
m (1092) as her second husband, ADELA de Flandre, widow of KNUD II “den Hellige/the Holy” King of Denmark, daughter of ROBERT I "le Frison" Count of Flanders & his wife Gertrud of Saxony [Billung] ([1065]-Apr 1115).
- The Annals of Romoald record the marriage in 1092 of "reginam Danorum nomine Alam, filiam Robberti Frisonis comitis Flandrensium" and "Rogerius dux"[364]. Malaterra names the wife of "dux Rogerius" as "neptem Francorum regis Philippi filiam Flandrensium marchionis Roberti…Adalalam"[365]. She was regent in Apulia 1111-1114 for her son Guillaume Duke of Apulia.
- The Annals of Romoald record the death of "Hala ducissa mater Guillelmi ducis" in Apr 1115[366].
Mistress (1): ---.
- The name of Duke Roger's mistress is not known.
Duke Roger & his wife had three children:
1. LOUIS of Apulia (-shortly before 2 Sep 1094).
- The Annals of Romoald name (in order) "Ludovicum et Guiscardum, qui in puerilibus annos mortui, [et] Gulielmus" as the sons of "Rogerius dux" and his wife[367].
- Malaterra records the death of "Lodovisio filio ducis" and that he was still "parvulus"[368].
2. GUILLAUME of Apulia ([1096/97]-Salerno 25 Jul 1127, bur Salerno San Mateo).
- The Annals of Romoald name (in order) "Ludovicum et Guiscardum, qui in puerilibus annos mortui, [et] Gulielmus" as the sons of "Rogerius dux" and his wife[369]. William of Tyre names him and his father[370].
- His birth date is estimated from the Chronicle of Romualdo Guarna which records his death "apud Salernum…major triginta annis" in 1126 "menso Julio in festo B. Nazarii"[371].
- He succeeded his father in 1111 as GUILLAUME Duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily, under the regency of his mother until 1114. Faced with the rebellion of Jordan Conte di Ariano, in 1122 he requested the military help of Roger II Count of Sicily, but the latter took advantage of Guillaume's weakness as ruler by insisting on retaking Guillaume's half share in the cities of Palermo and Messina[372] along with the whole of Calabria. He promised to recognise Roger II as his heir at Messina in 1125.
- The Annales Casinenses record the death in 1127 of "dux Gulielmus"[373]. The Chronicle of Romualdo Guarna records the death of Duke Guillaume "apud Salernum morte communi major triginta annis" in 1126 "menso Julio in festo B. Nazarii" and his burial "apud Salernum…in ecclesia B. Matthaei Apostoli" with his father[374].
- After his death, Roger II acted swiftly to enforce his rights, laid siege to Salerno and had himself acclaimed as Duke at Reggio, ignoring the fact that the Dukedom should have reverted to the Papacy according to the legal rules of fiefdom[375].
- m firstly (before May 1115) GAITELGRIMA di Airola, daughter of ROBERTO Conte di Airola, Alife e Caiazzo & his wife Gaitelgrima --- (-1117). The Annals of Romoald record the marriage in 1116 of "Gaitelgrima filiam comitis Roberti de Airola" and "Gulielmus dux"[376]. "…Duchessa Gaitelgrima…" subscribed the charter dated May 1115 under which "Guglielmo duca, figlia del duca Ruggiero" confirmed donations to the monastery of Santa Maria di Malfinó, for the soul of "madre Ala", by charter dated May 1115[377].
- m secondly ([1120/21]%29 GAITELGRIMA di Capua, daughter of JORDAN II Principe di Capua & his wife --- (-after 1127). The primary source which records the second marriage of Duke Guillaume and his wife's parentage has not so far been identified. The Chronicle of Falco Beneventano records that "uxor eius" cut her hair after the death of Guillaume Duke of Apulia[378].
3. GUISCARD of Apulia (-Aug 1108).
- The Annals of Romoald name (in order) "Ludovicum et Guiscardum, qui in puerilibus annos mortui, [et] Gulielmus" as the sons of "Rogerius dux" and his wife, specifying in a later passage that "Guiscardus filius ipsius Rogeri [dux]" died in Aug 1108[379].
Duke Roger had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
4. GUILLAUME (-[1145/50]).
- Chalandon records that Guillaume, signor di Gesualdo e Lucera, illegitimate son of Duke Roger, is named in charters dated Apr 1115 and May 1116[380].
- Conte di Gesualdo e Lucera.
- [359] Romoaldi Annales 1060, MGH SS XIX, p. 406.
- [360] WT XIV.IX, p. 619.
- [361] Tudebodus Imitatus, p. 171.
- [362] Houben (2002), p. 21.
- [363] Romoaldi Annales 1101, MGH SS XIX, p. 413.
- [364] Romoaldi Annales 1092, MGH SS XIX, p. 412.
- [365] Pontiari, E. (ed.) (1927-8) De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriæ et Siciliæ comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius (Bologna) (“Malaterra”), Book IV.20, p. 98.
- [366] Romoaldi Annales 1115, MGH SS XIX, p. 415.
- [367] Romoaldi Annales 1092, MGH SS XIX, p. 412.
- [368] Malaterra, IV.21, p. 100.
- [369] Romoaldi Annales 1092, MGH SS XIX, p. 412.
- [370] WT XIV.IX, p. 619.
- [371] Cronica di Romualdo Guarna arcivescovo Salernitano (Chronicon Romualdi II archiepiscopi Salernitani) ("Romualdo Guarna"), Re, G. del (ed.) (1845) Cronisti e scrittori sincroni Napoletani, Vol. 1 (Napoli), p. 6.
- [372] The sharing arrangement was made by Robert "Guiscard" after the capture of Palermo in 1072.
- [373] Annales Casinenses 1127, MGH SS XIX, p. 308.
- [374] Romualdo Guarna, 1126, p. 6.
- [375] Houben (2002), p. 42.
- [376] Romoaldi Annales 1116, MGH SS XIX, p. 415.
- [377] Battaglia, G. (1895) I diplomi inediti relativi all´ordinamento della proprietà fondiaria in Sicilia sotto i Normanni e gli Svevi, Documenti per servire alla Storia di Sicilia, prima serie, diplomatica, Vol. XVI (Palermo), Tabulario del monasterio di Santa Maria di Malfinó detto anche di Santa Barbara ("Santa Maria di Malfinó"), 1, p. 3.
- [378] Falconis Beneventani Chronicon ("Falco Beneventano"), Re, G. del (1845) Cronisti e scrittori sincroni Napoletani, Vol. 1 (Naples), p. 193.
- [379] Romoaldi Annales 1092 and 1108, MGH SS XIX, pp. 412 and 414.
- [380] Chalandon (1907), Tome I, p. 313, citing Archives de Cava, E. 40, E, 46.
Adela of Flanders (C. 1064-1115) was a mediavel Danish Queen and Italian Duchess and regent, Queen Consort of King Canute IV of Denmark, and Duchess consort of Duke Roger Borsa of Apulia, and then minor regent of Apulia in 1111-1115 as mother and guardian of William II of Apulia. Mother of Charles the Good of Flanders.
Født: Mellem 1063 og 1065 i Flandern
Adele av Flandern
Från Wikipedia
Adèle av Flandern, född 1064/1065, död 1115, drottning av Danmark och hertiginna av Apulien. Dotter till Robert I av Flandern och Gertrud av Sachsen.
Adele var första arvtagerska av grevskapet Flandern och blev i Apulien regent åt sonen Vilhelm.
Adele gifte sig första gången 1080/1081 med kung Knut den helige av Danmark (dräpt 1086). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1.Karl I av Flandern (1083/1085-1127), greve av Flandern
- 2.Cecilia Knutsdotter av Danmark (ca 1085-efter 1131), gift med Erik jarl (död efter 1145)
- 3.Ingegärd Knutsdotter av Danmark (född 1081/1086), gift med svensken Folke den tjocke
Adele gifte sig andra gången 1090/1092 med hertig Roger I "Borsa" av Apulien-Calabrien (död 1111). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1.Vilhelm II av Apulien-Calabrien (1095/1097-1127), hertig av Apulien-Calabrien
Yrke: Drottning av Danmark
- Far: Robert I Friso av Flandern (1033 - 1093)
- Mor: Gertrud av Sachsen (- 1113)
- Född: 1065 1)
- Död: 1115-04 Sicilien
Familj med Knut II 'den helige' (1043 - 1086)
- Vigsel: omkring 1080 2)
- Barn: Ingegärd Knutsdotter av Danmark (1085 - )
Här är forskningen ute på en svag gren. Många tvistar om huruvida Adele verkligen var mor till Ingegärd Knutsdotter, men de verkar överrens om att hon var gift med Knut den helige. Av utrymmesskäl har jag inte med hennes anor här, utan hänvisar till:
- 1) Wikipedia - Den Fria Encyklopedin
- 2) Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
Ref 28508227
Adele av Flandern
- Född 1065 i Brandenburg, Tyskland
- Familj med Kung Knud II "den helige" av Danmark 1040-1086
- 1. Ingegerd av Danmark 1086-
Adèle av Flandern, född 1064/1065, död 1115, drottning av Danmark och hertiginna av Apulien. Dotter till Robert I av Flandern och Gertrud av Sachsen.
Adele var första arvtagerska av grevskapet Flandern och blev i Apulien regent åt sonen Vilhelm.
Adele gifte sig första gången 1080/1081 med kung Knut den helige av Danmark (dräpt 1086). Paret fick följande barn:
Karl I av Flandern (1083/1085-1127), greve av Flandern
Cecilia Knutsdotter av Danmark (ca 1085-efter 1131), gift med Erik jarl (död efter 1145)
Ingegärd Knutsdotter av Danmark (född 1081/1086), gift med svensken Folke den tjocke
Adele gifte sig andra gången 1090/1092 med hertig Roger I "Borsa" av Apulien-Calabrien (död 1111). Paret fick följande barn:
Vilhelm II av Apulien-Calabrien (1095/1097-1127), hertig av Apulien-Calabrien
- Född: 1065
- Äktenskap: Kung Knut II Svensson "den Helige" av Danmark
- Död: 1115 i en ålder av 55 år
Adele gifte sig med Kung Knut II Svensson "den Helige" AV DANMARK, son till Kung Sven II "Estridsen" AV DANMARK och Drottning av Danmark Gunhild Emundsdotter. (Kung Knut II Svensson "den Helige" AV DANMARK föddes cirka 1043 i Danmark, dog den 10 Juli 1086 i St. Alban's Church, Odense, Denmark och begravdes i St. Alban's Church, Odense, Denmark.)Adele gifte senare om sig 1092 med greve Roger av Sicilien.
Anm 1: Möjlig ättling till Karl den Store men troligen ett korrupt spår, tyvärr. På anbytarforum kan man läsa: Vad gäller problemet Adela av Flandern (död 1115), så har Hans Gillingstam behandlat detta i tryckt form efter 1982. I Svenska antavlor nr 137 (1989) redovisar han Gustav I:s (Vasa) härstamning. Som Knut den heliges hustru anges "? ADELA av Flandern" och som källa anges Studier i äldre historia tillägnade Herman Schück, sid. 63 f (vilket jag förmodar syftar på Galléns ovan nämnda artikel). Jag tolkar detta som att Gillingstam ändrat uppfattning mellan 1982 och 1989, och anledningen är Jarl Galléns granskning av problemet. Således har Sveriges främste expert på medeltidsgenealogi uppenbarligen accepterat Galléns analys, och ställer sig numera mer positiv till härledningen än vad gamle Örnberg gjorde i slutet av 1800-talet.
Anm 2: I KLGF-bladet nr 22 från januari 1997 publiceras dock en släkttavla som visar hur drottning Adele av Danmark på två olika sätt härstammar från Karl den Store
Adèle av Flandern, född 1064/1065, död 1115, drottning av Danmark och hertiginna, och senare regent, av Apulien och Kalabrien. Dotter till Robert I av Flandern och Gertrud av Sachsen. I Danmark kallades hon också Edel, och till minne av henne har Edel namnsdag 10 mars i Danmark och Norge
Adele var första arvtagerska av grevskapet Flandern och blev i Apulien regent åt sonen Vilhelm.
Adele gifte sig första gången 1080/1081 med kung Knut den helige av Danmark (dräpt 1086). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1.Karl I av Flandern (1083/1085-1127), greve av Flandern
- 2.Cecilia Knutsdotter av Danmark (ca 1085-efter 1131), gift med Erik jarl (död efter 1145)
- 3.Ingegärd Knutsdotter av Danmark (född 1081/1086), gift med svensken Folke den tjocke
Då maken dödades 1086 levde hon vid faderns och broderns hov fram till sin andra vigsel.
Adele gifte sig andra gången 1090/1092 med hertig Roger I "Borsa" av Apulien-Calabrien (död 1111). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1.Vilhelm II av Apulien-Calabrien (1095/1097-1127), hertig av Apulien-Calabrien.
Då henens andre make dog var sonen omyndig, och hon blev som hans förmyndare regent över Apulien-Calabrien år 1111. Hon regerade till sin död 1115.
- Denna artikel är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia
Gift Två ganger.
- Andra gangen MED Knud II av Danmark
Adele av Flandern
Från Wikipedia
Hoppa till: navigering, sök
Adèle av Flandern, född 1064/1065, död 1115, drottning av Danmark och hertiginna, och senare regent, av Apulien och Kalabrien. Dotter till Robert I av Flandern och Gertrud av Sachsen. I Danmark kallades hon också Edel, och till minne av henne har Edel namnsdag 10 mars i Danmark och Norge.[1]
Biografi [redigera]
Adele var första arvtagerska av grevskapet Flandern och blev i Apulien regent åt sonen Vilhelm.
Adele gifte sig första gången 1080/1081 med kung Knut den helige av Danmark (dräpt 1086). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1. Karl I av Flandern (1083/1085-1127), greve av Flandern
- 2. Cecilia Knutsdotter av Danmark (ca 1085-efter 1131), gift med Erik jarl (död efter 1145)
- 3. Ingegärd Knutsdotter av Danmark (född 1081/1086), gift med svensken Folke den tjocke
Då maken dödades 1086 levde hon vid faderns och broderns hov fram till sin andra vigsel.
Adele gifte sig andra gången 1090/1092 med hertig Roger I "Borsa" av Apulien-Calabrien (död 1111). Paret fick följande barn:
- 1. Vilhelm II av Apulien-Calabrien (1095/1097-1127), hertig av Apulien-Calabrien.
Då henens andre make dog var sonen omyndig, och hon blev som hans förmyndare regent över Apulien-Calabrien år 1111. Hon regerade till sin död 1115.
Källor [redigera]
- Denna artikel är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia
Referenser [redigera]
- 1. ^ Bengt af Klintberg: Namnen i almanackan, 2001, ISBN 91-7227-292-9
Margareta Hasbjörnsdotter
- Drottning av Danmark (ej regent)
- 1080–1086 Efterträdare:
- Ingegerd Haraldsdotter
Sidan ändrades senast den 13 maj 2010 kl. 16.57
Adele var født ca. 1065, datter af grev af Flandern & Gertrud af Saxen.
På tilbakeveien fra England gjorde Knud den Hellige holdt med den danske angrepsflåten i grevskapet Flandern. På grunn av deres fiendskap mot kong Vilhelm Erobreren var Flandern en naturlig alliert for danskene
Han giftet seg etter 1080 med Edel (Adèle, Eltha, Alice) (ca 1065-1115), en kvinde af høj æt, der nedstammede fra kejser Karl den Store og fra den gamle slægt Merovingerne, som i dag mest er kendt som "Jesu efterkommere"!
Adele var søster av grev Robert av Flandern, som var en ubøyelig motstander av Vilhelm Erobreren.
Rundt 1082 fikk de sin eneste sønn, den salige Karl den Gode, som senere ble grev Karl I (1119-27), den trettende greve av Flandern, og martyr, i likhet med sin far drept av opprørere i en kirke. Karl var et uvanlig navn i Danmark. Knut og Edel fikk også døtrene Cecilie Knudsdatter (Cæcilia) (1087-1131), som ble gift med Erik jarl fra Västergötland, og Ingrid Knudsdatter (Ingegerd) (1086-?). Etter Knuts død giftet dronning Edel seg igjen i 1092 med hertug Roger av Apulia og døde i 1115.
Dronning Adele flygtede efter sin mands drab til Flandern med sin lille søn, hvis liv var i fare, døtrene bragte Knuds bror, den senere kong Erik Ejegod i sikkerhed i Sverige.
Adele giftede sig i 1092 med hertug Roger af Apulien.
Hun døde dér (i Italien) i april måned 1115.
Kilde: Sigvard Mahler Dams Slægtsside
Kilde: katolsk.no/biografi/knut.htm
Vissa källor anser det vara osannolikt, att Ingegärd är dotter till Adele pga att Ingegärd ej medföljde Adele till Flandern, när kungen avlidit 1086.
Adela of Flanders
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adela of Flanders (C. 1064-1115) was a mediavel Danish Queen and Italian Duchess and regent, Queen Consort of King Canute IV of Denmark, and Duchess consort of Duke Roger Borsa of Apulia, and then minor regent of Apulia in 1111-1115 as mother and guardian of William II of Apulia. Mother of Charles the Good of Flanders.
Adela was born the daughter of Robert I, Count of Flanders, and Gertrude of Holland. She married king Canute IV of Denmark in 1080 with whom she had a son, the later Charles the good. When Canute was assassinated in 1086, she fled with her son to Flanders. She stayed on the court of her father and brother Robert II until 1092, when she left for Italy to marry Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia. She acted as a regent for their son William II at the death of Roger Borsa from 1111 until he came of age. Her son by the first marriage, Charles, was Count of Flanders in 1119.
- " Women in power 1100-1150" from Guide2womenleaders.com, last accessed January 16, 2007
Daughter of Robert II le Pieux, roi des Francs and Constance d'Arles, reine consort de France
Wife of Baldwin V, Count of Flanders
Fiancée of Richard III, duc de Normandie
Mother of Baldwin VI, Count of Flanders and Hainault; Robert I "de Fries", graaf van Vlaanderen (Count of Flanders) and Matilda of Flanders, Queen Consort of England
Sister of Hedwige de France, comtesse d'Auxerre; Hugues, roi associé de France; Henri I, roi de France; Robert I le Vieux, duc de Bourgogne and 2 others
Adele af Flandern. Regent of Apulia 1111-1115.
Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, König von Dänemark, Sixten Otto Brenner, (Dansk Historisk Håndbogsforlag, København, 1978), Reference: 49.
Regent av Apulien och Kalabrien
Edela var från huset Baduoin Järnarm i Flandern
Adela of Flanders (also Ala and Alana in southern Italian sources) (c. 1064 – April 1115), was Queen consort of Denmark by marriage to King Canute IV and duchess of Apulia by marriage to Duke Roger Borsa, and then regent of Apulia from 1111 to 1115 as mother and guardian of Duke William II.