Colonel Daniel Boone - Daniel Boone

Started by Private User on Sunday, November 26, 2017
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Private User
11/26/2017 at 4:11 AM

Hi pretty far apart but Our family had a John Boone in it and supposedly from that I/were related to Daniel Boone. I remember in Grade school we did a family tree, and was able to come up with Daniel Boone as a relative and thought that's pretty cool but for years thought it was just mom telling me stuff so I'd be popular enough in school, but turns out it's true.
Anyways from the Nichols and Simmons side is how were related thanks.

Private User
1/10/2018 at 11:41 AM

Interesting Doug! Sorry took me so long to respond - likely did not realize there was a message for me! I get on here on occasion trying to tweak and gather more documents for relatives.
Will have to spend some time & try to find the Simmons side which you speak of!
My mom bragged for years that we were related to Daniel Boone....She would be so proud to what I have accomplished here! : ) Have a great day!

Private User
1/10/2018 at 11:57 AM

Okay, so you are a 12th cousin, twice removed! ha ha ha!!!

Private User
3/2/2018 at 9:08 PM

Oh ok cool not been on for quite a while as you can see.
Any history on my granddad Nichols AKA Harold Nichols or Harold Francis Nichols would be very interesting.
And or Bowman etc...

Private User
3/7/2018 at 8:23 AM

Sorry, I have not done any research with the last name Nichols at this point, it is/was a married name for me.

Private User
3/7/2018 at 10:43 PM

oh ok

Private User
4/8/2018 at 6:26 PM

→ Roger Sheldon Scott
your father → Charles MacDonald Scott
his father → Isabel "Isa" Partrick
his mother → William MacDonald Partrick
her father → Abigail Matilda Johns
his mother → William Stout Zornes
her father → Catherine Zornes
his mother → David Stout
her father → Jonathan Stout
his father → Mary Stout
his mother → Peter Tilton, of Lynn & Monmouth
her father → Mary "Goody" Tilton (Pearsall)
his mother → Anna Pearsall
her mother → Robert Phillips
her father → Sir John Phillips, 1st Baronet of Picton Castle
his father → Morgan Phillips
his father → Elsbeth Griffith, of Penrhyn
his mother → Sir Rhys Gruffydd, MP
her brother → Gwen Jarmen
his daughter → Thomas Jarman
her son → John Jarman
his son → Arthur Jarman
his son → John Jarman
his son → Elizabeth Margaret Morgan
his daughter → Sarah Boone
her daughter → Colonel Daniel Boone
her son

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