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  • Adolf Zucker (1868 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Zucker, Adolf Adolph geboren am 29. Dezember 1868 in Jaratschewo/Jarotschin/Posen wohnhaft in Berlin (Wilmersdorf) DEPORTATION ab Berlin 20. A...
  • Alex Zucker (1890 - d.)
    Naturalization Records* Name Alex Jucker Age 37 Birth Date 6 Oct 1890* Spouse's Name Mary Children Ruth, Harry, Joseph* Arrival Date 1914 * Naturalization Date 9 Mar 1928 * State New York Court Type Di...
  • Bianka Moses (1878 - 1944)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Moses, Bianka Bianca geb. Zucker geboren am 27. Januar 1878 in Kröben (poln. Krobia)/Gostyn/Posen wohnhaft in Berlin (Mitte) Deportation ab Be...
  • Bruno Benjamin David Zucker (1879 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Zucker, Bruno Benjamin David geboren am 03. September 1879 in Kröben (poln. Krobia)/Gostyn/Posen wohnhaft in Lossen / Brieg DEPORTATION ab Bresl...

About the Zucker surname

Some Zucker families may be related to Tesuque tribe of Pueblo natives in the Holy Land , having their surname probably derived from Tesu'que-Er .

Some of Pueblos are believed to be of Inca relations ,while others might have had well before the latter been living in the place . Hano tribe for example may be descended from Hanno of the Phoinikians ,called in the Old Testament Eg-Han-Na-Nawa-Ha son of Az-Arab-Be-Bal ,that is of Asdrubal . Piro and Taos though seem to show connections with Pirú and with Taushiro tribe in the Andes .

Hohokam and Anasazi cultural groups might have been given their name after members of Hanno's family ,although Anaasa'zwi could be explained as the self-designation of the Incas too,as Ana-Aas-Ak-Ze-Wa-i ,

appearing in forms like Uanakaze or Id-Uakanzas or Anauak-Azteka or Ashkanazu-Yid in the different  kingdoms of the dynasty ,all derived from the word A'ash-Ak-Ana-Ze-Wa  ,whatever in some language  it could mean .

See Baruch,Bruck,Alexander,Milko,László,Drust,Dresden,Ashkenazi,Michoacán,Petry,Petrenka,Trenka,Tarasco, Taraska,Pakarati,Azarbaijani,Hannofer,Mandarin,Pueblo,Delmato,Hidalgo,Demsky,Gutstein,Gutmann,Taus, Szerencse,Szerencsy,Szerencsi,Tavi,Tőke,Pécsi and more !

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