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  • Pvt. Abraham Bachman Yoder (1747 - 1820)
    DAR A 129612, PA, 4th Battalion, Northampton County Militia. PVT, Birth: Dec. 12, 1747 Saucon Valley Lehigh County Pennsylvania, USA Death: Dec. 30, 1820 Coopersburg Lehigh County Pennsylvania, USAAb...
  • Adam Trachsel Yoder (1650 - 1700)
    Please do not make changes to the data in this profile without first citing an uploaded document or uploading a document using Geni's tools.
  • Alice Mabel Brunk (1886 - 1977)
    Mrs. Alice Mabel Brunk, 90, of Rt. 10, Harrisonburg died early Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mabel Brunk, where she had been living for 2& years. Mrs. Brunk had been in failing health f...
  • Anna G. König (1728 - 1785)
    Three daughters, Anna, Veronica and Magdalena Anna 1728 married Samuel Koenig, Veronica 1738 married Stephen Kurtz and Magdalena 1724 married Christian Fisher Source: Amish and Amish-Mennonite Gene...
  • Anna Maria Yoder (1777 - 1838)
    Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Dec 8 2019, 8:39:49 UTC * Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Dec 9 2019, 6:50:57 UTC Her last name was Jotter on her tombstone. On husband Ja...

About the Yoder surname

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