There are already 67 users and 2,641 genealogy profiles with the Witherspoon surname on Geni. Explore Witherspoon genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
The name of Alexander Witherspoon's first wife, mother of James Alexander Witherspoon, is unknown. Witherspoon, Joseph B. The History and Genealogy of the Witherspoon Family (1400-1987). Fort Worth, Te...
"He became a merchant of Glasgow..."--Witherspoon, Joseph B. The History and Genealogy of the Witherspoon Family (1400-1987). Fort Worth, Tex: Miran Publishers, 1988. Print. p. 27-8. I5
The name of Alexander Witherspoon's first wife, mother of James Alexander Witherspoon, is unknown."Alexander Wethirspoon of Brighouse, at age 43, m. Nov. 19, 1626, Jhoneta (Jane) Wilsoune, a dau. of Ja...
Note: Alexander is not listed as one of the 13 children of Robert Witherspoon in Witherspoon, Joseph B. The History and Genealogy of the Witherspoon Family (1400-1987). Fort Worth, Tex: Miran Publisher...
"'Sandy' Wydderspun, as he is called in a lease of Aug. 22d, 1531, 6s.3d land in Sandyhill"--Witherspoon, Joseph B. The History and Genealogy of the Witherspoon Family (1400-1987). Fort Worth, Tex: Mir...
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