There are already 1,008 users and over 32,730 genealogy profiles with the Warner surname on Geni. Explore Warner genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
The descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches : also, some account of the de...
Abigail (Warner) Ferry Hale was the daughter of Mark Warner of Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.On May 4, 1693, she married Charles Ferry Jr. of Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. With ...
Abigail Warner Noble
BIRTH 6 Feb 1704 Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH 15 Jan 1783 (aged 78) Sheffield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA
BURIAL Shears Cemetery, Sheffie...
My mane is Arlyne L. Warner born 1947 to Percy C Warner DOB 1908 and Ada Baker-Brittain--Warner.-DOB1815.My fathers mother was Edith B(.Lafferty) Warner DOB 1872, and his father was Edwin A. Warner-DOB1871.They lived in Franklinvillle,New York My Grandfather died in 1918 from the Spanish Flu epedemic.
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