Giulia visconti casada con Juan alessandro mariani , tuvieron un hijo en 1850 Alessandro Enrico MAriani
Balázs Déri :
Visconti royal family of Milano ,formerly Medolanum ,that is the World's Centre ,is stated to descend
from the legendary Matteo il Capitane ,stated to have died in 1322 according to whatever aera ,
whose ancestors' names are given as Teobaldo ,Andreaccho and Uberto .
There must have been several persons of these names in the family ,as it uses to be in noble clans ,
and in others ,where personal names are inherited from deceased ancestors ,so the ones
identified with Matteo's forebearers must not necessarily be indeed identical with them .
Matteo Capitane may in turn be identical with Te-Mate-Kapua ,the chief who lead an invasion of
Maoris into Aotearoa around the year 1350 of the Old European aera of begin in 1387 BC ,
and with Mayta Capac from the royal Inca dynasty of Cuzco in Perú of the Holy Land of America .
The dynasty though might have ruled also in the capital of the Holy Land ,called Manoá ,
the Golden City ,situated at the sources of river Orinoco ,near Rio Negro ,the Hierosalém of the antiquity .
As its kings were at that time ,until 37 BC ,from the Khasamónaios family ,Mayta Capac
may well be identical with Mathathias ,called Antigon in Greek name ,disappearing from the
history of Iudaia in 37 BC .
He was the son of Aristobul son of Alexander Iannaios or Ionathas son of Hyrkanos Iohannes .
Their names correspond to those of the ancestors of Matteo as follows :
1,Uberto or Humberto ,in German originally Humbrecht ,might be identical with Hyrkan Iohann ,
who was the great-grandson of an earlier Hyrkan Iohann identical with Hannibal ,the king of Puns ,
who was named after the ancient Bal-Le-Hanna ,son of A'akha-Reg-Ha son of
Ab-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,the generic ancestor of the people of Phoinix that is called BNNW in Aigyptian .
As Akhaians of Argos were alternatively called Danaos,A'akha-Reg-Ha ,father of Hanna-Bal-Le ,
is identical with Dan(us) ,father of Humbl(us) ,first king of Denmark from about 2105 to 2064 BC .
Humbrecht may derive from Humbl-Regt ,and thus is the same as Hannibal Rex ,who was called
Hyrkan Iohann in Iudaia .
2,The name of Andreaccho corresponds to that of the town of Anderaccha ,
ancient capital of Kaffa kingdom in Abyssinia ,where the Kaffer of Zululand and other
regions may well originate .
Their royal dynasty hails from a Nthu ,who may be identical with a later Ionathas ( I-Wo-Natha ) ,
also called Alexander,named after the previous,being his maternal grandchild .
So the earlier Alexander Ionatha ,also Alex-Ander Iwon-Atsha ,is identical with Andre-Accho .
3,Teobald or Tibaldo then must be identical with Arist-Tobul ,father of Mathathias Antigon .
This family was descended from an earlier Mathathias ,who could have also been Antigon ,
from the town of Modain ,that might have been Mo(r)dawin .
He appears to be identical with Mo(r)-Du ,king of of the Hiungnu in Asia ,and with Mar(d)win ,
king of Gwynned ,ruling until about 166 BC ,that is 899 of the Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,
son of Rhodry Mawr .
The latter is Hannibal ,who might have been named after an earlier Hannibal ,of Rhodos ,
perhaps his maternal grandfather .
These names refer to the country of Mor-Dva in Sarmatia .
Mathathias ,the Mordvin,might have been called in the Hungarian Sarmata chronicles Magor ,
brother of Hunor ,son of Nimrod ,who might have been Nin-Man-Rhod .
Rhodry was ,or was believed to have been ,namely born in the isle of Man ,and as a Hanna is
often nicknamed Nina ,so could he ,as a Hanni-Bal ,or Iohann ,be called Nin .
Magor ,interpreted as Mag-Orr corresponds to Merfyn also in that sense that the first would mean
in the language of Hungary Seed-Nose ,and the second interpreted in Araucanian would
give Merun-Fynh ,with the meaning of Mucus-Seed .
Mucus sounds Takony ,formerly Tokun in Hungarian ,otherwise .
Mathathias thus,the first Antigon ,as the later ones ,might have been the chiefs of the tribes
called Magüta or Tukuna ,as well as of some among the Mucú or Maguri in the Holy Land ,
in Colombia and Venezuela respectively .
The later Antigon ,Mayta Capac had a son called Apu Cunti Mayta ,who might therefore also been
called so ,Father of the Ticuna-Magta .
Even An-Tigon might have been interpreted as Tigona(n) ,a variation for Tikuna .
In the genealogies of Arabia Antigon is called cAbd-Shams ,ia translation of Anhthü-Kona ,
which is an Araucanian reinterpretation of Antigon .
Or the other way around .
This also could be understood as Ang-Tükuna ,prince of the Ticuna .
Here are some more words similar in Ticuna and Mapudungun ,tha languages of Magor
and Hunor :PE sleep PE see ,KAWE back KA-WE other-place ,PÜTÜWAE belly PÜTU-WE
drink-place,RA(N)'E(N)Ö nose RANGI-ANGE-WE middle-face-place ,CHOO white CHOD yellow ,
KA liver KE liver ,MU(N) much MÜNA very ,ANÜ(N) center ANÜN sitting,
NGE(N)'AE woman NGEN-AYE owner of laugh .
Others resemble Prairy Indian ones ,as are TAA big and NU(N)TA stone .
The cause of this may be that the Tykuna basically are descended from Tykhón ,from Athénai ,
who might have been related to the kings of descent from Héphaistos there .
Héphaistos ( Haya-Wafawi-Set ) is in this context identical with Akha-Wafawi ,alias Kheops
or Suphis ,the Byblical WHYSP ,whose son A'ap-Pa-Rawam-Ma ,the first Pope of Rome ,
is the ancestor of Dako-Romans ,and of the Dakota and other related peoples in the Northern
country .
So Visconti noble family of Milano ,like many others ,may be descended from Hannibal ,
called Iohann Hyrkan in Iudaia ,and from the Khasamónaian rulers of the Ticuna-Magüta in the
real centre of the world,thus the first Mediolanum ,the capital of the Holy Land of America ,
Hierosalém .
Such was thus Antigon Mathathias ,Mayta Capac of Perú ,who must have under the pressure
from Héródés in about 37 BC ,the 1350 of the old European aera ,left the country,emigrated first to
New Zealand ,called there Te-Mate-Kapua ,and then to Europe ,where he is said to
have died in 1322 ,which if indeed is his deathdate and not of another Matteo of the family ,
calculated according to a more recent aera of begin in 1248 BC ,would correspond to 27 BC
according to the younger old European aera of begin in 1347 BC ,which has now been completely
abandoned since the early 1600s in favour of the older one .
From the Peruvian sources a ruling period of 42-23 BC can be figured out .
See Magor,Mahón,Mahon,Mago,Mága,,Magnusson,Milano,Milanesi,Milanese,Eckstein,
Humayer,Chandra,Neufeld,Kamil,Burkin,Hamburg,Hamburger,Rotterdam,Rodríguez ,Bainan,
Jurinka Morabito, Mamu and others !