2016: Verwey Familie-Samekoms, S-A 2016: Verwey Family Gathering, S A Die Verwey stam-familie het in 1666 in Tafelbaai aangeland en dit is voorgestel dat, ter herdenking van 350 jaar van ons familie se verblyf in Suid-Afrika, ’n byeenkoms van alle belangstellende verwante op ’n sentrale plek gereel word gedurende September 2016. Voorstelle en kommentaar sal waardeer word, vir sirkulasie na almal wie op ons kontaklys opgeneem is, vir verdere bespreking van al die fasette van so ’n geleentheid. The Verwey founding family arrived in Table Bay in 1666 and it has been proposed that the 350th anniversary of the settlement of our family in South Africa be commemorated by all interested relatives at a gathering to be arranged at a central venue during September 2016. Suggestions and comment will be appreciated, for circulation to all those recorded on our contact-list, for further discussion of all relevant aspects of such an occasion. Ter voorbereiding, en ten einde effektiewe kommunikasie te verseker, is dit belangrik dat ons sentrale kontaklys so volledig moontlik uitgebrei moet word, en sal die samewerking en ondersteuning van elke belangstellende Verwey deurslaggewend wees om die sukses van die projek te verseker. In preparation, and to ensure efficient communication, it is important that our central contact list should be developed to be as comprehensive as possible, and the co-operation and support of every interested Verwey by volunteering their own details, will be crucial to ensuring the success of the project. Die S-A Verwey Familie-register, waarin teen September 2014 reeds ongeveer 18 000 Verwey’s en verwante opgeneem is, sal in die aanloop na September 2016, so volledig moontlik uitgebrei moet word met die oorweging dat dit terselfdertyd vir vrystelling voltooi mag wees. The SA Verwey Family Register, in which approximately 18 000 Verwey’s and relatives have been recorded by September 2014, should in the interim be expanded to be as comprehensive as possible by September 2016, considering that it may, by then, be ready for release. Ons sien uit daarna om van U te verneem by anton@amelia.co.za Your response will be appreciated to anton@amelia.co.za Anton Verwey Durbanville 021 8245010 021 8368990 072 5638689