There are already 115 users and over 5,001 genealogy profiles with the Van Deventer surname on Geni. Explore Van Deventer genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
William Hansen (son of and ) was born . He died (Other spouses: ) William Hansen married Adriaentje (Adrianna) VanDeventer on in: (sup.). Adriaentje (Adrianna) VanDeventer (daughter of Jan (John) Piete...
b1 Jan gedoop: 21 Aug 1689, getroud: 4 Oct 1711, Magdalena Brits c1 Ariaantje gedoop: 11 Sep 1712, getroud: Evert Colyn Staat ende inventaris mitgaders taxatie der goederen naargelaten en met 'er dood ...
SEE Inventory= Inventory of her husband Ariaantje !
Apparently Ariaantje died age 2 ?
But why did Adriana use her name ?
ARIAANTJE JACOBS is my 7th great grandmother and I carry the VARIEGATE PORPHYR...
⚠️ Her surname remained van Deventer never Nel Possible death registration 1786 --
Will 1762 Will executed 1787
Aletta van Deventer
All the wrong information on profile ?
Date of Birth
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