Origin Displayed: English
The name tyler was brought to England by the Normans when they conquered the island in 1066. It is a name for a tiler. The name describes a person whose job it was to bake clay into tiles in an oven, a common occupation in medieval times.
Spelling variations include Tyler, Tilliere, Tylor, Tiler, Tellier and others.
First found in Glamorgan, Monmouthshire, and Herefordshire where they were granted large estates after the Norman Conquest in 1066.
Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: John Tyler settled in Virginia in 1623 with Elizabeth, Robert, William; John Baptist Tyler settled in Maryland in 1706; Nathaniel settled in Lynn, Mass. in 1630.
My line of Tylers.Lawrence Tyler came over from England in 1600 and settled in Maryland.He had a son John Henry Tyler who settled in Virginia.He had a son John Tyler who settled in North Carolina.And he had a son Moses Tyler who also settled in North Carolina.And he also had a son Moses Afonsano Tyler who settled in North Carolina also.And he had a son Reding Green Tyler who settled in North Carolina also.And he had a son John Gurley who settled in South Carolina.And he had a son Silas Green Tyler who settled in South Carol ina also.And he had a son Joseph Tyler who settled in South Carolina also.And I have a son from him Curtis Tyler who settled in South Carolina also.And a son from him Willie Tyler unknown where he settled at John Henry Tyler also had a Brother Robert Tyler .And John Henry Tylers line also leads to President John Tyler.