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Sirota Genealogy and Sirota Family History Information

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  • David J. Sirota
    David J. Sirota (born November 2, 1975) is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Lever, a reader-supported investigative news outlet focused on exposing the negative influence of corporate corruptio...
  • Emily Sirota
    Emily Lipp Sirota (born August 7, 1979) is an American politician who is a member of the Colorado House of Representatives from the 9th district in the City and County of Denver.
  • Maurice Sirota (c.1892 - 1912)
    Titanica * Name: Mr Maurice Sirota * Age: 20 years * Last Residence: in London London England * Occupation: Tailor * 3rd Class passenger * First Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912 * Tic...
  • (No Name) (deceased)
  • Sirota (deceased)

About the Sirota surname

Some came to the U.S. in the early 1900's. Most settled, in the Chicago area. Some in NY state. My great grandfather was John Sirota.He married Anna Bzoch, In Chicago. They were both from Czech republic and Hungary area.