The Silberstein family originated in Russia (Latvia) in the early 19th Century, where the family name was "Pereplotcyk," taken from the Russian word for "book-binder." Samuel & Ruth Silberstein, the oldest positively identified ancestors, settled in Dorchester, Boston around 1893, preceded on their journey from the Old Country by several of their sons. The Silberstein name was predominant among their children, but one son chose Silverstein and another Gilbert. Just after the turn of the 20th Century, several of the sons and a daughter moved to Baltimore, where the Kolodny family and more than 100 Silberstein descendants still reside. The Boston half of the family kept in fairly close touch with a "cousins club" through the mid-1960s, and held its most recent reunion in 1965 at the Summer home of the late Saul & Rigi Silverstein in Willimantic, Connecticut. Samuel and Ruth Silberstein's presently known descendants include at least 105 great-great-grandchildren, 77 great-great-great-grandchildren, and a total of more than 245 living cousins, everywhere from Brookline to Baltimore, California, Washington and Miami.
Balázs Déri :
Silebe alias Chelyabinsk in Bashkiria might have been founded by Basilei Skytha tribes , whose sucessors may include the one attested as Bulkar among Khazars of the region .
Their successors in turn may be Kara-Bulak people ,called also Arshtin , still of the original Kazar ,that is Weynakh language .
Silberstein family may be somehow descended from them ,wherfore getting the surname : Silebe-Arshteyen .
See Silber,Silbermann,Wohlgemuth,Celebi,Bashkirov,Baskurt,Kazár,Kozáray,Kozári,Rabat.Edelsztejn, Ghadamsi,Kristic,Andi,Arca,Kamenev,Gayer,Weinhandler,Bácsy,Bolgar,Atterlund,Balkar and more ! ___________________________________________________________________-