There are already 759 users and over 23,804 genealogy profiles with the Rosenthal surname on Geni. Explore Rosenthal genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Rosenthal, Abraham Adolf geboren am 29. Mai 1872 in München / - / Bayern wohnhaft in MünchenInhaftierungsort: 10. November 1938 - 01. Dezember 1938, Dachau, Ko...
אברהם טל Translation [Professor Tal is an emeritus at Tel Aviv University - he is one of the most important scholars of Aramaic and History of the Hebrew Language. His research has shed light on the de...
Was for a time a correspondent in Japan for The New York Times magazine A. M. Rosenthal, a Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign correspondent who became the executive editor of The New York Times and led the...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Rosenthal, Adolf geboren am 29. September 1877 in Lamstedt / Neuhaus a. d. Oste / Hannover wohnhaft in KasselDeportation: ab Kassel 09. Dezember 1941, Riga, Gh...
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