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Randall Genealogy and Randall Family History Information

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  • Abigail Randall (1678 - 1735)
    References The Sabin family of America : the four earliest generations . by Titus, Anson, 1847-1932 (Publication date 1882). Page 2. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF STONINGTON, County of New London, Connect...
  • Abigail Larcum (aft.1659 - bef.1740)
    BiographyLovett, probably born Mackerel Cove, then Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, after 27 May 1659 (date sister of the same name died), the daughter of John Lovett and his wife, Mary _...
  • Abigail Randall (c.1667 - 1705)
    Abigail was born at Stonington, New London County, Connecticut. She was the daughter of William & Mary Billings. On 1 July 1677, Abigail was christened at Stonington, New London County, Connecticut. Ab...
  • Abigail Pease (1660 - aft.1747)
    Possibly the daughter of William Randall (1634, Salem Mass; died 1690 Enfield CT)) and Elizabeth (married 2 Oct 1649) Robert Pease married Abigail Randall in a double wedding ceremony with his sister,...
  • Abraham Randall (1609 - 1690)
    1640, December 8: Abraham married (1st) Mary Ware at Windsor Settlement, Connecticut Colony. The appear to have been no children from this marriage. "A Digest of Early Connecticut Probate Records: Hart...

About the Randall surname

Randall Name Meaning

English: from the Middle English personal name Randel, a diminutive of Rand with the Anglo-Norman French hypocoristic suffix -el.

  • ****

I am a decendent of Aubrey Palmer Randall an Sophie Magria Pohl.

From this marriage 3 children born, Charles Steven Randall, and Esme ? Randall.

Aubrey Palmer Randall died in Brakpan at the age of 68 years old on the 03.09.67 and Sophie Magrieta Pohl, passed away at the age of 94 years old 25,2,1983.

I am looking for places of birth of the original 2 above.

I can be be contacted on 27 (0) 83 440 5634


Balázs Déri's opinion about the origins of family name Randall :

It may possibly come from Hy Gadarn who led brits from Ceylon to Britain in the antique ages . He may be identical with Hydarnés ( Hu-i-Dal-Ran ) leader of some persian troups in battles and

expeditions all around the Read Sea and in Europa ,or with his fatrher of the same name , who
may be the ancestors of randali tribe ,or at least that of their kings , both in Livonia and in Somalia as well
as of some of families called also Randall .

See Edirne,Drust,László,Domanko,Arsch,Kamil,Blinker,Dinka,Tennant,Scott,Valletta,Mallorca,Cherkasov,Coel !