There are already 78 users and 4,482 genealogy profiles with the Philpott surname on Geni. Explore Philpott genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Might this Catherine Bender have the GRO Birth - GRO Reference: 1847 M Quarter in CITY OF LONDON Volume 02 Page 178 with a Mother's Maiden Name of Watson?
---------------------------------------------==concerns== This Charles appears to be the same as Charles Philpott . Further research is warranted.==brief biography==From an unidentified source:Born in ...
Find a Grave Memorial :Charles Thomas Philpott (20 Nov 1753–5 Jan 1836) Burial Details Unknown.
1780 Charles Philpott (1753-1836) first married Elizabeth Garrott (1760-1793) on Febru...
concerns== This Edward appears to have been born too late to be a child of Edward Philpott (I) and Bridget/Bridgett _. Further research is warranted.==brief biography==From Shirley Davis Warren and Pet...
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