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Peterson Genealogy and Peterson Family History Information

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  • Ado Särgava (1882 - 1968)
    Ajaloost jutustab talu peremees Ado Aado p. Särgava (01.03.1922–25.08.2008) Kilde Särgava talu ja talus elanud Särgava Petersoni perekonna ajaloo kohta PETERSON Vändra kogudus Personaalraamat A-V. ...
  • Adrian Peterson
    Lewis Peterson (born March 21, 1985) is an American football running back who is a free agent. He played college football at Oklahoma and was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings seventh overall in the 200...
  • Aili Peterson (1948 - 2008)
    - nekroloog* "Rapla muinsuskaitse juht lahkus ametist". Delfi, 8. november 2005 * "In memoriam Aili Peterson". Nädaline nr 27, 4. märts 2008. Lk 10 * Haud Pärnu Alevi kalmistul
  • Alberta Peterson (1894 - 1984)
    Residence : Fillmore, , Utah - 1910* Residence : Manard, Camas, Idaho, United States - 1920* Residence : West Point, Gooding, Idaho - 1930* Residence : Same Place - 1935* Residence : Wendell, Gooding, ...
  • Aleksander Peterson (1889 - 1919)

About the Peterson surname


This last name was originally a typical Scandinavian Patronymic: It was only introduced as a last name or family name around 1850-1900.

English, Scottish, and German patronymic name of Peter. Americanized form of Petersen, Pettersson