Navarra / Nafarra at the Pyreneens might be named after Ek-Harran-Nafarra from the
tribe of A'as -Sharra,son of Che-ya-Peg-Ha .
A'as-Sharra is the generic ancestor of Algwuank peoples of the Holy Land,called in the
Caucas also Albanians,one of the twelve tribes of the Chosen Nation thus .
Sarra was namely the ancient name of Tyros ,where ,among others ,Tyrrhén and Tyrsén
peoples were supposed to have had emigrated from ,
who rae inhabitants of Toscania just as the ancestors of Albanians called Tosk around Tirana
must have been .
Che-ya-Peg-Ha himself might be the founder of Peg-Che kingdom in the Asian parts of the Holy Empire -
between the Ural , the Ob ,the Himálaya and the ocean - ,and may be the ancestor of the people of Pegu ,
called Mon in Asian ,as well as of Peguan-Che in America .
Béarn,the French side of Nafarra might also have been named after Ek-Har-Ran-Na-Far-Ra - who himself
was a Frank ,that is Far-Ran-Ek ,too- ,as Ben-E'Harran.
One of his brothers was As-Ayek-Ha ,likely the ancestor of some Asian Armenians - maybe the Gilyak
nation ,called Nyiwkh and possibly related to Nahiyawáwak in America ,called also Saska-Athewan ,
as one belonging to Athéna / Minerva ;of Minni-Ar - ,and the other Ash-Eyer-Galla ,that of some Irish Gallians .
Levites of the tribe were of Albanian dialect,until its extinction and assimilation in all but a small terrtiory ,
in modern Albania .
See Glaser,Hajkász,Tevan,Albano,Alaba,Albanesi,Albani,Toscanini,Toscani,Toscano,Béarn,,Franco,Frank,
Türk,Bilbao,Auvergne,Kern,Brit,Montagnais,Pinsker,Pisk,Schwartz,Scott and others !
Balázs Déri