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Murillo Genealogy and Murillo Family History Information

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  • Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (c.1617 - 1682)
    Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (December 31, 1617 (baptized) – April 3, 1682) was a Spanish Baroque painter. Although he is best known for his religious works, Murillo also produced a considerable number of...
  • Catalina Ortiz de Gaete y Gutiérrez de Gaete (1532 - c.1589)
    Catalina Ortiz de Gaete y Gutierrez de Gaete N. 1532 en Belalcazar - España .Vendió en su ciudad natal todos sus bienes para fijar su residencia en Chile donde estába su marido, lleva seis hijos suyos ...
  • Domingo Moriones Murillo, I Marqués de Oroquieta (1822 - 1881)
    Domingo Moriones was the Governor-General of the Philippines, from February 28, 1877 to March 20, 1880. For full biography, see the Spanish-language section.
  • Elvira García de Neira Loyola (1630 - c.1704)
    tambien llamada Elvira de Valdivia (asi sale en otra rama) Elvira de Valdivia (20,21,22,23), n. Santiago; testó ante Domingo de Oteíza en Santiago 22 octubre 1704; c. I° Parroquia del Sagrario, Santiag...

About the Murillo surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Murillo surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Murillo surname.

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