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Montague Genealogy and Montague Family History Information

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  • Abigail Warner (1653 - 1705)
  • Abigail Montague (1616 - 1694)
    RootsWeb :>For the past few days I have been checking original source citations for Myrtle Steven Hyde's report on the origin of the wife of Richard Montague of Hadley, Mass. "A Study of the Downing Fa...
  • Andrew Jackson Montague, 44th Governor of Virginia (1862 - 1937)
    Jackson Montague (October 3, 1862 – January 24, 1937) was an American politician from Virginia. He served as the 44th Governor of Virginia, from 1902 to 1906, and a Congressman from 1912 until his deat...
  • Ann Estes (b. - aft.1808)
  • Anne North (c.1605 - 1683)
    Anne Montagu was the daughter of Sir Charles Montagu.1 She married Dudley North, 4th Lord North, son of Dudley North, 3rd Lord North and Frances Brocket, on 24 April 1632.1 She died in 1680/81. She was...

About the Montague surname

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