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Monk Genealogy and Monk Family History Information

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  • Aletta Monk, b6 (c.1705 - d.)
  • Alfred Monk (1786 - 1875)
    Alfred Monk , b. Sept. 8, 1786 , m. Relief Irish and settled early in the last century in the southwest part of the town on a farm now owned by his grandson. He died July 7, 1875 . She died Dec. 9, 187...
  • Alice Elizabeth Monk (1872 - 1901)
  • Alice/Elcie Monk (1753 - 1806)
    Mark.... Possible [do believe, can check] U do have Mayflower connections,, Cause of Alice Churchill,, she also has a sister whom is also my Gram.. Rachel Churchill Pratt,, I have few of these similar ...
  • Ann Maria Round/Monk (c.1826 - 1913)
    1st husband and father of Isabella Ann Donald (Monk) - Alexander Homer Monk. 2nd husband, David Round.

About the Monk surname

Monk can be Monahan coming from Granard in Longford Ireland 1780's. Hugh Monk lived in Guernsey, Jane his sister.She married a Lambe and they had John Monk Lambe 1790 a pursar on the HMS Terror and Phoenix. Died in Bath.