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Maas Genealogy and Maas Family History Information

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  • Aaltje Herschel (1879 - 1942)
    Bruidegom: Levie Herschel Leeftijd: 25 Beroep: veehandelaar Vader bruidegom: Hartog Herschel Beroep: slager Moeder bruidegom: Betje Rosenbaum Beroep: zonder beroep Bruid: Aaltje Maas Leeftijd: 29 Beroe...
  • Dr. Abraham Haim Schalit (1898 - 1979)
    Abraham Haim Schalit (Hebrew: אברהם שליט) (born 1898, died 1979) was an Israeli historian and a scholar of the Second Temple period.BiographySchalit was born in 1898 in the Galician town of Zolochiv, t...
  • Abraham Maas (1855 - 1941)
    Abraham Maas, a brother of Sol and Jacob Maas, was born on May 22, 1855 in Dolgesheim, Germany near Hessen-Darmstadt. When he was a child in grammar school, he longed to be a doctor. But before he fini...
  • Aletta Jacoba Potgieter, SM (bef.1764 - 1817)
  • Alice Ruth Maas (1902 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Maas, Alice Ruthgeborene Kantorowicz geboren am 05. März 1902 in Hamburg / - / Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in HamburgEmigration: 29. September 1936, Niederland...

About the Maas surname

Henry Maas married to Helen Spoenchen. I'm looking for info on one of their son's Gerhardt married to Caroline Leitz-Vergo- Maas. Need Obit's. I have their pictures. I'm relatived to Gerhardt sister Catherine Maas-Trapp.