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  • Eidel Ashkenazi-Halpern (b. - 1605)
    Maharsha mother-in-lawIs her name: Eidel Lipshitz (Halperin) or Eidel Halperin (Lipshitz)???Eidel Heilprin?
  • Esther Lifshitz (c.1560 - 1635)
    כתובות בית העלמין היהודי בפראג- page 294
  • Hal Linden
    Hal Linden (born March 20, 1931) is an American stage and screen actor, television director and musician. Linden began his career as a big band musician and singer in the 1950s. After a stint in the Un...
  • Dr. May Cohen, OC
    May Cohen, OC (born 1931) is a Canadian physician and educator.[1] She is best known for initiating the creation of a women’s health curriculum in Ontario medical schools and for her work as a women’s ...
  • Rabbi Moses Lipschitz "Lechem Mishne" (c.1520 - d.)
    Author of Lechem Mishne: , , ,

About the Lipshitz surname


The origin and meaning of the surname Lipshitz is not clear, although there have been several proposals. It is also not clear if there is any familial relationship between families that use the name or its variants. Although Lipshitz became a somewhat common Jewish surname in Eastern and Central Europe as Jews stopped using traditional patronymic names during the 1750-1850 period, many and perhaps most modern descendants of Lipshitz families use one of many anglicized versions of the name. For all these reasons, it is not meaningful to simply refer to "the Lipshitz surname."

The Geni project "Jewish Lifshitz-Lipschitz-Lipshitz-Lifschitz-Lipschutz Families" serves genealogists with Jewish family members surnamed Lipshitz or any of its many variants.

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