This last name was originally a typical Scandinavian Patronymic: http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Patronymics For Scandinavian families it was only introduced as a last name or family name around 1850-1900.
Balázs Déri's view :
Larsa or - according to helléns : - Larisa , may well be identical with the capital of yamamádi nation living in the huge mountains of Shar-Gawar-Ra - where saragur and saraguro tribes in Turkestan and in the Andes respectively belong to all descending from en Gur-Sar - called in the Byble by the name Sa-Lar-Ga ,and is the home of salar and even of sarayugur tribes dwelling there around near Himálaya until today. This city was ruled at a time by Núr-Adad ( Núr-Rammán ) obvious ancestor of some normans who moved from Turkestan first to Mesta-Rawama and then to the northern regions in the days of A'ad-Edda and Ha-Den-Da , ancestor of hadendoa called Wot-Den in the Edda scripts as Memnón's offspring from Troia , opposing the regime installed by A-She-Lam-Maha.
This may still be the origin of traditional norman family name Larsen : Larsa-En meaning chief of Larsa.
Himálaya itself was named of Ak-Ha-Ma-ya-'a-La son of Awahaya-Daha,so it is likley that Shar-Gawar-Ra was in fact his son or descendant,and this is the reason turk and andean languages are similar all spoken by people from his family.
Jews and christians call them 'edomi,Seir,Selaa,Mitsraim,'Adad,Hadad,Shlomoh,Khamu'el,Yehudah.
See Locatelli,Politzer,Denkstein,Parasznyay and others !