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Larocque Genealogy and Larocque Family History Information

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  • Catherine Couillaud dit Larocque (1685 - 1750)
    Sources: Drouin Institute (Archived burial record - see attached in Media tab)
  • Louis Couillaud dit Larocque, I (c.1679 - 1764)
    Sources: Drouin Institute (Archived marriage to Marie Madeleine Sabourin record - see attached in Media tab) Married using the name Louis Larocque Died in 1764 under the name Louis Larocqu...
  • Marguerite Larocque (1780 - 1872)
    of Marie-Anne Gaboury Lagemodiere===Lifetime Adventures of Louis Riel’s Grandmother=====May 7, 2009 Kathleen Airdrie===Marie-Anne Gaboury Lagemodier, said to be the first white woman resident in wester...
  • Marie-Anne Couillaud dite Larocque (1705 - 1752)
    Sources: Drouin Institute (Archived birth and baptismal record - see attached in Media tab) Drouin Institute (Archived marriage record - see attached in Media tab) Marie-Anne Larocque. He...
  • Marie Catherine Séguin (c.1740 - 1825)
    Sources: Drouin Institute (Archived baptismal record - see attached in Media tab) Drouin Institute (Archived marriage record - see attached in Media tab)

About the Larocque surname

Je cherche un document de michel larocque qui dit qu'il était vivant soit testament, concession de terre ( dide) etc vivant apr3s 1871. Mon adresse courriel est le