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  • Anna Håvarsdotter Kvamme (1738 - 1817)
    Anna Håvardsdotter Kvame 1762 Anne Haaversdatter er nevnt 26 år gammel i skiftet etter moren på Kvamme i Olden i 1762, noe som stemmer godt med alderen her. I skiftet etter broren, Berent i 1785, ...
  • Bergitte Elisa Gregoriusdotter Kvamme (1867 - 1954)
    Navn: Kalles Bergithe, Bergitte, Birgitte, Sjursen, Kvamme* FT1910 Bergen
  • Håvard Olsson Kvamme (c.1713 - 1785)
    Haver Olsson Kvamme (Kvame, Qvame) Gravferd Hover Olsen Qvame død 72 år gammel Kildeinformasjon: Sogn og Fjordane fylke, Innvik, Ministerialbok nr. A 1 (1750-1816), Døde og begravede 1784-1787, side ...
  • Marie Johanne Pettersdotter Holen (1871 - 1969)
    Andreas og Marie fekk fem born: Borghild Arthur Jørolf Kamilla (død som spebarn) Alf Ludvig
  • Nils Johannesson Kvame (1660 - d.)
    Kilder 1.[S3] Lærdal Bygdebok II, Espe, Alfred - Hovland, Kåre, (Lærdal Kommune, 1990), side 310. * Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : May 15 2019, 22:58:52 UTC

About the Kvamme surname

By………...great grand daughter or Petrine born in Talvik

Here are some facts and names I know about my relatives. I want to know if anyone in Talvik knows of people in my family still in Talvik and or buried there and or where was their farmstead exactly. Any pictures??? OMG if there were pictures I’d go banannas.

Hans Christian Andreassen Qvamme b. Sept 21, 1815 d. 1871 in Talvik. Can anyone check to see if he was buried there. I think he might be, especially his generation.

Hans CAQ married Nikoline but I think she comes to Talvik and stays with him there because some kids of theirs were born there.

Nikoline Albertine Helmer Hansdatter Qvamme. Helmer is her name before marriage. Her dad is another incest….She was born in Tromso, Troms, Norge. I don’t want info on Troms at this time. Just Talvik people who might be related and a pic of address of where in Talvik

Nikoline b. June 19, 1823 in Tromso d. 1901 probably in Talvik where she was married.

Andreas Bernhoft Olsen Qvamme had a dad named Ole Halvoren Qvamme, his mother Ane Qvamme (born Andersdatter)

HCAQ (Hans Christian Andreassen Qvamme) had a dad named Andreas Bernhoft Olsen Qvamme. His mother was Ane Pedersdatter Qvamme. These would be my great great great grandparents.

APQ mother was Ane Qvamme born Andersdatter b. 1756 d. 1787 Baptized 1789. AOQ died when she was 31.

On the mother’s side, Nikoline’s parents were father Hans Helmer Tarhaldsen mother Ane Margrette Rasmusdatter b. 1796 or 1797 d. 1842

Ane’s MR father Rasmus Hansen Ane’s MR mom Ingbor Nilsdatter Hansen

More later. I’m interested in going backwards in time for my manuscript project. As some of you know, I’m writing/co writing a book, fiction based on facts, set in Talvik...maybe around 1300 big plague, not sure yet. I’m still figuring out Talvik history 1000. The book starts out with two girls in Talvik, and small band of Vikings come raid and leave. The girls have to go off into the forest to find a shaman women who knows how to heal some of the wounds inflicted on the priest. So if you know any shamans in town, they’d be saami, right...I’d like to talk to them or get old stories about them. I’d like to get any written, old stories of Talvik history.

I’m not sure if the people lived their all their life, I know some came there from other places. Right now, I’m interested in if they were there and when, mostly when and who is there now who is related.

Hans Christian Andreassen Qvamme/Kvamme and his wife Nikoline Albertine [Hansdatter Helmer] Qvamme had 6 or 7 children. Petrine is the one I know a lot about once she gets to America in 1888. I personally knew her daughter very week and on a weekly basis

six or seven kids depending on how you figure out their names….

Petrine is on one census with both her mother and father in Talvik, but on the 1865 census, her mother’s marital status is E (enke = widow), and they live with Hans’ brother, Peder Kvamme

1. Hans Andreas Bernhard [Helmer] Qvamme. 2. Nicolay Norum Hansen Qvamme 3. Ane Margrete [Margrethe] Hansdatter Kvamme. 4. Oluf Hansen Qvamme [I know of him as he came to America and stayed with Petrine and Torjus who used the last name Sands once in America, but Torjus whole last name was Aasmundsen or Osmundsen...depending on the source you look – those two had 9 pregnancies and 7 living kids...I track them all mostly in Ohio at the middle of their life] 5. Ole Martin Hansen 6. Indianna Caroline Hansdater Tarhuldsen [this one might not be exact] 7. Petrine Jorgine Hansdatter kvamme [my great grandma who came to usa] other names for kids that weren’t put in computer correctly or something. I know this one. She married Torjus and I saw this: Petrina Jorgine (Hansdatter) Osmundsen in Norway, Sands in USA (born Qvamme) Great-grandmother of Susan Louise Darnell here in USA, her daughter was Louise Sands, in Norway Louise is spelled Lovise sometimes. Also, me and Christian Sands here in USA think maybe Osmundsen is spelled sometimes as Aasmundsen in Norway. born 1861

8. Julianna Christina [maybe the J for Julianna was misspelled for an I...because who in Norway would call a kid Indianna. It’s a state in the If u haven’t read census docs, well there’s often misspells. 9 Caroline Helmine Hansdatter maybe number 6, 8 and 9 are messed up…

Now to make things more confusing. It is possible Petrine’s father died and she lived with a second father figure. Not sure about formal adoption. But The household in one of the census places lists as follows in one house: Peder Andreassen Kvamme b. 1819 Talvik. His position in the house was hf…..what does hf mean Julianna Rakel Jakobsdatter b. 1820 Elverum Andreas Bernof Olsen Kvamme b. 1791 or 3 Alten and position is husfaderens fader means what?? Berit Maria Kirstine Knudsdatter b. 1805 Talvik….laegdslem means what Nikoline Albertine Handsdatter Nikolai Norum Hansen Kvamme Ane Margrete Hansdatter Kvamme Petrine Jorgine Hansdatter Kvamme Oluf Hansen Kvamme

I think all the above were in same house. Not exactly sure as moving this material from one place to the next, all new spelling and such, ahhh I could have goofed some. But the first four as I recall were in one house...but I’m rather certain they were all on the same farm.

This word Stensgjaeke….is placed like this on one document Talvik: Stensgjaeke My guess was that it located where the farm was, but I’m not sure because I can’t find a translation of what Stensgjaeke means.

Other info…. Petrine Jorgine Hansdatter Kvamme her dad  Hans Christian Andrfeassen Qvamme [Talvik] his dad Andreas Bernof Olsen Qvamme, his wife Ane Pedersdatter b. 1790

Andreas BOQ's dad   Ole Halvorsen Qvamme born 1753 Lom, Oppland, Norway, his wife Ane Andersdatter, born Talvik

OHQ's dad, Halivor Syversson [Qvamme] b. 1725  Lom, Oppland. Wife Brit Olsdotter Langieite b. Skjak, Oppland

HSQ's dad  Erland Olsen Ner-Marlo also in Skjak, b. 1653, his wife Mai Gudbrandsdatter Ner-Marlo b. about 1650

EON-M's dad  Ole Rasmussen Mallaug in Skjak, b. 1609-1678 [long life], his wife Kari Olsdatter death after 1678...

ORM's dad  Rasmus Mallag [or Marlo] b. 1570 in Skjak,  his wife no first name but we have Johannesdotter Horven

her dad Johannes Horven circa 1500s...

so then I went searching for viking relations but to no avail yet...

this is just my quick typing and's on the site...i did this quick so u could skim and smile....

cool, hey a piece of writing I made...before knowing more about Talvik..I’ve updated it some today 10/16/2016

Thomas and Petrine met, as far as I can tell, by1884, doing house or maybe also farm work at the Eids residence, a couple. Petrine was born in 1862 Talvik, Norway, way up in northern Norway. The more correct location is Talvik village in the county of Finnmark, in Norway. Thomas name in Norway was Torjus and his last name was probably Osmundsen or Aasmundsen. I put these here for your historical research. Thomas [Torjus] Osmundsen Sand was born in 1859 and listed as living with his father Osmund Tormundsen Sand in Sand, Norway, way, way, south in Norway. Or, since Oct. 2016, and finding a Talvik map, I see a place called Sand very nearby that could be where he came from.

Petrine is on one census with both her mother and father in Talvik, but on the 1865 census, her mother’s marital status is E (enke = widow), and they live with Hans’ brother, Peder Kvamme

Away from their birth town [Talvik for Petrine and still unceratin about Tom's birth place], but I find them on records in Hammerfest, Norway, in 1884, which is not very far from Talvik...just a few fjords north...They are both listed as "fadder" meaning "sponsor" or "mentor". In the USA this could mean "godparents." Perhaps Petrine was godparent to new baby. Petrine was born in 1862, [also saw 1860, 1861, 1863] so this would be about right for the age of "work." She'd be about 22. ..It was the Eids house in the town of Hammerfest, Norway. By 1885 the role for Petrine is changed to tjenestegipge, meaning, female servant and she is still in Hammerfest, Norway. Thomas is not listed that year with her. In the 1884, "Hammerfest Baptism document, I assume who I call Thomas is the same as Torjus Aasmunds, he is listed. It's unclear on this doccument who is getting baptised. It could be one of the children of the owner of the house was getting baptized and Petrine is just present in attendance. None the less, it appears they were both working at the same place in 1884, mentoring for some reason, and probably provided help to the owners.Of note, Hammerfest is closer to Sand or sando or that could be where Thomas was born. Still, this is uncertain. But they meet up in Hammerfest, it seems. Petrine and Thomas marry at some point, I think in 1886, because by 1887, in Vardo, Finnmark, Norway, they are baptising their first son Trygve who is a newborn. This suggests that they could have married in 1886. Birthed their first son Trygve in 1887, and emigration paperwork shows emigrated to USA by 1888. 

Petrine had six other siblings. Her mother and father lived in Talvik, Finnmark, Norway. I’ve just learned that today in 2016, there are only about 302 people living there. It’s a very small village and right on the water, which is a bay. Petrine’s father was Hans Christian Andreassen Qvamme/Kvamme and her mother was Nikoline Albertine [her last name when single was Helmer and her father was also Hans] so her name is often seen like this - Nikoline Albertine Hansdatter Qvamme. Hans and Nikoline married in Nov. 28, 1847.

It appears once Petrine and Thomas/Torjus got to the shores of USA, they had their last name be Sands, instead of Osmundsen. Sands, like I was speculating, could be the name of the town Torjus was born in. Theywent to Clearfield County, Houtzdale, PA in 1888. They settle there some years, not sure ...maybe a few years there.

It could be true that Trygve was the first child born and died in Norway, and then in USA another birth records and child Twigg/Trigg was born. The name by then is Americanized in spelling. The second child theory is speculation. In USA records, it shows their first child is Twigg N. Sands. Therefore, in USA, "Charles" is the 2nd born, if those two Twigg and Tryggve are the same. Charles lists his birth in Houtzdale in 1891. Trigg N. Sands lists his birth in Houtzdale. I speculate that there was a Trygve and he was the first son, born in Norway, but died before arriving in the USA. It appears, if interpreted correctly, Petrine and Tom had 8 or 9 pregnancies, but 6 lived. The birth order in general is Trigg, Charles, Mary, Louise (Asora), Clarence, Rubye, Margaret. It is still unclear if Asora is my grandmother Louise.

After emigration, the family firsts moves to Houztvale, PA, then I'm not sure when the family moves to another residence in the USA, but their next move seems to be in McCalmont township, Jefferson county PA, by 1900 census.

By 1910 the family lives at 112 Cherry St., Greater Punxsutawny Borough, Ward 1, JeffersonCounty, Pennsylvania.Thomas, Petrina and children: Twigg, Charles, Mary, Louise, Clarence, Rubye, Margaret, Petrina’s brother Oluf Hansen Kvamme

Hans Christian Andreassen Qvamme Son of Andreas Bernhof Olsen Qvamme and Ane Pedersdatter  Husband of Nicoline Alberthine Hansdatter Helmer  Father of 1. Hans Andreas Bernhard Kvamme; 2. Nicolay Norum Qvamme; 3. Ane-Margrete Hansdatter Qvamme; 4. Indianna Hansdatter Qvamme; Julianna Hansdatter Qvamme;

5. Petrine Jørgine Hansdatter Qvamme and  6. Oluf Hansen Qvamme « less  Brother of Ole Andreassen Qvamme; Peder Andreassen Qvamme; Gunerius Andreassen Qvamme; Karen Kirstine Jonette Andreasdatter Qvamme; Anne Maria Elisabeth Qvamme and Christiane Andreasdatter Qvamme

Ane Qvamme married Ole Halvoren Qvamme

Halvor Olsen Qvamme  Gender: Male Birth: 1784 Alta, Talvik pr. gj., Finnmark, Norway Death: March 26, 1850 (66)  Alta, Talvik pr. gj., Finnmark, Norway Place of Burial: Alta, Finnmark, Norway Immediate Family: Son of Ole Halvorsen Qvamme, "Bøje, Kvamme" and Ane Andersdatter, "Kobberstad"  Husband of Marie Johannesdatter Bech Partner of Anne Michelsdatter Father of Anne Halvorsdatter; Oliva Halvorsdatter Qvamme; Regine Halvorsdatter Qvamme; Anne Halvorsdatter Qvamme; Ole Halvorsen Qvamme and 2 others  Brother of Signild Margrethe Olsdatter Qvamme; Anders Olsen Qvamme; nn Olsdatter Qvamme, I and  nn Olsdatter Qvamme, II Half brother of Ane Marie Elizabeth Qvamme; Hans Christian Olsen Qvamme; Andreas Bernhof Olsen Qvamme; Hartvig Olsen Qvamme; Birgithe Marie Olsdatter Qvamme;Ole Olsen Qvamme; Anders Olsen Qvammeand Susanne Olsdatter Qvamme