Some Kaiser families may descend from Qais son of Al-Nás or El-Yás from the family of Mudar son
of Nizár,ancestor of Kozárini tribe of Arawak ethnicity,son of Maádd or from the later Qays Al Nader ,
who is identical with Alexander king of Makedonia,and was the ancestro of the royal Quraysh tribe of
Arabia too.
Events from the latters' point of view has been interpreted by scholars mainly in Europe on the basis of
a Persian aera of begin in 546 BC ,according to which the date of the so called Hijra ,622 ,
would in reality be not more than 76 AD .
From this family might ahve Kais tribe in new Guinea somehow be descended .
Kaiser families especially in Schweiz or in Suabia may be closestly related to it .
They are one of the members of a cluster of tribes that namely involves Weriagar or Wariagar ,
whose name is a correspondent of Veragr or Varagr of Wallis in Schwyz .
Wa-Er-i-A-Gar and Wa-Er-A-Gar-i respectively .
Both may be formed from the name of Er-Gar-A-Wa ,one of the sons of Ganda ,king of the Kashshu in
Kar-Dunia ,called Kar-Dun-Ngurra in the language of Kuengur,that might originally have been located
at river Danube ,called Duna(i) in several Central European langauges .
He is one of the twelve ancestors of the Chosen People,the American Indians,and the generic ancestor
of Finno-Ugrian tribes ,among them those of Ugra ,descended from Er-Gara-Wa .
Some of them might have accompanied the Makedonians of Alexander into Arabia,India and elsewhere ,
and might have advanced further into New Guinea,or it might have happened at another ,much earlier ,
or somewhat later occasion .
Suabo and Mir-Abo tribes ae also associated with them ,and they may be of Abo origin ,
just like Arandai and Kokoda ,likely relatives of the Aranda and Kokoda ( Gogoda ) in Australia .
Abantia was the ancient name of the original Eyboia ,likely identical with the Australian continent,
called so after a certain Aba(s) ,from Thrakia or from Athénai .
Athéné was called Onga ( Wonga ) in the language of Phoinicia ,which is now Nippon ( Nik-Phowin ) ,
and this may be the resason many of the Abo use the self designation Wongai .
As it is written,Assyrians invaded the Northern part of the Holy Land of America and the attached Asian
terrirories ,and deported its people into their land .This was the process of transplantation of Indian
history into Europe too ,that resulted in the so called Hellén mythology ,that in the reality describes in
majority Asian and American events .
Sdun tribe in New Guinea may be the relatives of Sedun one in Wallis of Schweiz,neighbours of the Beragri ,
being among Tehid / Tahit peoples,their ancestors might one have lived in Tahiti .
There is also Mlik clan among the latter,they may be descended from Malik,son of Al-Qays-Nader ,
,the Kaisar or Rhóma ,and father of Fahr Qarish .
See Kozár,Mandarin,Merksamer,Mudry,Mudrík,Elias,Neufeld,Kostbar,Luxemburg,Klaber, Dickmann,Kozáry,Kostbar,Dobó,Markmann,Nadler,Scheiber,Yazidi,Lemba,Deliaga,Hackel, Nachmann,Munk,Wagmann,Wati,Vijayanagara,Killmeier,Pahi,Amal,Jakab ,Alexander,Inca,Aranda,Wallis,
Pándi,Csepregi and others !
Balázs Déri