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Hansen Genealogy and Hansen Family History Information

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  • Ågot Hjørdis Nilsen (1910 - 1981)
    Dåp Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, SAT/A-1459/854/L0786: Klokkerbok nr. 854C02, 1901-1912, s. 83 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Folketellingen 1910 Folketelling...
  • Adam Hansen (1822 - c.1866)
    Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Sep 6 2020, 19:06:49 UTC
  • Adriaentje Van Deventer (1656 - 1670)
    William Hansen (son of and ) was born . He died (Other spouses: ) William Hansen married Adriaentje (Adrianna) VanDeventer on in: (sup.). Adriaentje (Adrianna) VanDeventer (daughter of Jan (John) Piete...
  • Agnes Joakime Hansen (1899 - 1966)
    Dåp SAT, Ministerialprotokoller, klokkerbøker og fødselsregistre - Nordland, 859/L0860: Klokkerbok nr. 859C06, 1899-1909, s. 13 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Folketellingen 1900 Folketellingen 191...
  • Agnes Mathilde Hedemann (1858 - 1930)
    indsat af A M Kjær 17. dec 2010: Slægtsbog for Kiellerupslægten udarbejdet af Carl Kiellerup Lassen fra 1970-80)).Fødsel: Sep 3 1858 - Copenhagen, Denmark Død: Maj 14 1930 - Frederiksberg, Denmark Mand...

About the Hansen surname

This last name was originally a typical Scandinavian Patronymic: It was only introduced as a last name or family name around 1850-1900.

Hansen is a Danish-Norwegian patronymic surname, literally meaning son of Hans. It is the third most common surname in Denmark, shared by about 4.3% of the population. Hansen is the single most common surname in Norway, not counting spelling variations such as Hanssen, which are also quite common. In the Faroe Islands Hansen is the second most common surname, while in the North German federal states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg Hansen is the third and fifth most common surname, respectively. In Sweden the parallel form is Hansson. The frequent occurrences of Hansen as a surname outside Denmark, Norway and Schleswig-Holstein is due to immigration, though immigrants to English-speaking countries often changed the spelling to Hanson in order to accommodate English orthographic rules.

Source: Wikipedia


Some Hansen families though are likely to descend from Man-Nesh-Sha-Ha son of A-Wa-ya-Se-Pa,the first to bear the ancient s'waya name Hans,of whom Hansa region in general may have got its name too by colonists after the exile from his family - speaking then eskimaw and celtic dialects.

Jews and christians call them Manassheh and Yosef.

See Normann,Schwed,Geszterédi,Magyar !

Balázs Déri