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Guerin Genealogy and Guerin Family History Information

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  • Agnès Pitre (c.1748 - d.)
    Sources: Passenger List for La Bergère - May 14, 1785 - August 15, 1785 - Paimboeuf, France to New Orleans, Orleans, La Luisiana, New Spain (age: 36) "Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimac...
  • Anne Guerin (c.1675 - 1742)
  • Anne Blanchard (bef.1645 - 1714)
    Sources: 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 25 years old which estimates birth c.1646. Anne and her sister Marie Blanchard married brothers. Anne married the older Pierre (l'aîné), while her s...
  • Bridget Guerin (1769 - 1830)
    Sources: Passenger List for La Bergère - May 14, 1785 - August 15, 1785 - Paimboeuf, France to New Orleans, Orleans, La Luisiana, New Spain (age: 15) "Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimac...
  • Christophe Guérin (1758 - 1831)
    Reference: Geneanet Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 7 2023, 6:55:35 UTC * Reference: Geneanet Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 7 2023, 7:03:53 UTC

About the Guerin surname

Catherine Gueran, Goren, Geran came to Tasmania as a convict! ( spelt differently each time) Born 21 June, 1783 In Limerick. Convicted in Limnutt of aiding and Betting a robbery. March 1813 arrived Sydney NSW Australia 3 May, 1814, Transported to VDL for life . Married William Newman 1815. They were my Great x.3 Grandparents Robyn
Hi Robyn
My great great grandfather John Guerin married Bridget Agnes Conlon arrived in South Australia on the ship Hooghly in 1846. On the same approval for passage and the same ship were Patrick (married Winifred Mulvihille), Lawrence (married Margaret Larkin) , Catherine ( married James McNamara) and Bridget ( married Joseph O’Brien).
They were all single on arrival in South Australia. Records say they came from Co Clare but we do not know where. It is assumed that they are siblings and that their father was John Guerin. However there is a discrepancy on Bridget and Catherine’s death registrations as to whether their mother was Bridget or Catherine Ryan.
There are several other Guerin families in South Australia namely Michael and Mary nee Ganley who arrived on the Birman with their daughter in 1840. They lived at Bulls Creek as did some of the Hooghly Guerins.
There were also the marine dealer Guerins and the Guerin family who were in the Southeast Zof South Australia descended from 2 brothers John and Michael. One born Shanagolden Co Limerick abd the other Rathkeale Co Limerick.
I am unsure if these families are related.
Robyn have you done your DNA?
Please contact me
Virginia Loy nee Guerin