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  • Abel Gibson (c.1744 - 1829)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for NEW HAMPSHIRE. DAR Ancestor # A044733
  • Abigail Gibson (b. - aft.1710)
  • Abigail Gibson (1728 - 1808)
    FROM FIND A GRAVE:Her first husband was Nathan Bennett, who died in Leominster, Mass., in 1760. It has been said that her maiden name may have been Darby or Stearns. However I have found proof that she...
  • Abraham Gibson (1701 - 1740)
    GEDCOM Source ====== GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Family Tree
  • Abraham Gibson (1752 - 1829)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A044735

About the Gibson surname


Gibson is an English and Scottish surname. The name is a patronymic form of the common mediaeval personal name Gib, which is a short form of Gilbert. The name Gilbert was very popular in Great Britain in the Middle Ages. Variant forms of the surname include Gibsoun, Gipson, Gibbson, Gibbons, Gilson, Gibb, and Gibby amongst others.

The personal name Gilbert, which was introduced into England by followers of William the Conqueror after the Norman Invasion of 1066. The Norman name was originally found as Gislebert or Gillebert, and is composed of the Germanic elements Gisil, meaning "hostage" or "noble youth", and berht, meaning "bright" or "famous". Gilbert became a very popular given name in England during the Middle Ages.

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