Gerber is Duits vir n leerlooier. Dit is dus n ambagsnaam soos Visser of Kuiper. Die van is veral volop in Switserland en Elsas, maar kom ook in Duitsland en Oostenryk voor. In Oostenryk is dit meestal n Joodse van. Die persoon wat seuntjies besny is onder die Jode bekend as n 'Gerber'. Verder is daar vandag Gerbers in al die lande wat deur die Europeers gekoloniseer is bv. Suid Afrika en die VSA.
Gerber is German for tanner. The name is associated with a trade like Fisher or Fletcher. It is most common in Switzerland and Alsace, but is also found in Germany and Austria. In Austria it is most commonly a Jewish surname and the person circumcising young boys is called a 'Gerber'. In all the countries colonised by Europeans eg. South Africa and the United States, Gerbers are found.