brief story of
Clan Forbus
of Forbes
Research: www.british-history.ac.uk , www.turunseurakunnat.fi , www.houseofnames.com , www.wikipedia.com
Origins of the name: Scottish (gaelic).
The history of the name Forbus begins with a family settled in Aberdeenshire, in the northern border of Scotland, in the year 1000 A.D. Historians affirm that Forbuses lived in Aberdeenshire since very ancient times, long before the Norman Conquest of the British Island.
Before the appearance of the first dictionaries a few centuries later, names were written according to their sounds. This fact, known as spelling variations, it’s very common among Scots names. Forbus has been pronounced Forbes, Forbose, Forbess. Even nowadays, UK and US have different pronounces for the same name.
The origins of the name are gaelic: Forbus developed from gaelic words forb-ais, meaning “at the land”.
Notorious people
The history of Clan Forbus comprehends numerous nations and relevant historical events.
Around XVI and XVII centuries, many Scots nobles, to free themselves from the oppressing influence of the Kings of England on their country, left Scotland to seek better fortune in other north-European countries.
Among these “highlanders” were many Forbuses, some of which fought in the conflict known as the “Thirty Years War” on the side of the Kingdom of Sweden-Finland. One of these, renowned adventurer, was named Arvid Forbus.
When General Arvid Forbus was married to Margaret in 1639, he, according to the custom of those days, donated a chasuble to the needy church to commemorate the wedding. The chasuble, from circa 1500, is made of red Italian velvet, decorated with pomegranates, and was most likely brought from Rhineland as spoils of the Thirty Years' War.
Another notorious character belonging to Forbus Family is a Lord Forbus, at the service of the House of Commons around the first half of XVII century.
On day 2 june 1648:
Lord Forbus, &c.
Ordered, That * * * *, and the Report touching the Lord Forbus, the Soldiers Business be taken up Tomorrow Morning.
The name Forbus has been rather common in Ireland too, and it’s from Scotland and Ireland that many Forbuses set sail, when times were hard, for America.
In those unstable times, many had no choice but to leave their beloved homelands. Sickness and poverty hounded travellers to North America, but those who made it were welcomed with land and opportunity. These settlers gave the young nations of Canada and the United States a strong backbone as they stood up for their beliefs as United Empire Loyalists and in the American War of Independence.
Nowadays most famous Forbus is Ken Forbus is a professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University. He is notable for his work in Qualitative Process Theory, Automated Sketch Understanding and on Automated Analogical Reasoning.
Forbus is a frequent collaborator with researchers at Cycorp.
What our Clan may accomplish in years to come it’s unknown. I wish to all Forbuses, Forbeses, etc. of the wide world happiness, freedom and justice. May our people visit a far away planet someday, and live always as our family motto taught us: “grace me guide”. Aye, grace me guide indeed.