The early Fittings were called Fuitings, or vom Fuitinghof. It were the people who maintained the so called Fuitinghöfe. The name came from estates of the monestary of Corvey located in Lower Saxony in Germany. They were placed along the "Heerstraße" to accomodate their monks and their goods being transported. They were somehow protected. They were originally named after St. Vitus, the saint of the monestary Corvey. Hof means estate, so St. Vitus Hof = later Fuitinghof. There were several. From one in Essen the holy knights Fittinghof came from. From Krefeld came the Fuittings or later Fittings, who settled in the Palatinate after 1650. Some of the went to Hannover Townschip in 1750, other went to Erie in the 19th century, and to other places. If you want to know more, contact me, Martin Fitting, fittingmar@yahoo.de