There are already 306 users and over 12,175 genealogy profiles with the Downing surname on Geni. Explore Downing genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Disputed Origins
The John Downing in this profile CANNOT be the John Downing listed as born in Virginia and dying there in 1793 since the man in this profile is clearly documented as dying in 1760. T...
Capt. William Downing is mentioned in the Northumberland County Records on January 20, I655, when John Edwards assigned his interest in a patent for land to the said Downing.
On January 2...
RootsWeb :>For the past few days I have been checking original source citations for Myrtle Steven Hyde's report on the origin of the wife of Richard Montague of Hadley, Mass. "A Study of the Downing Fa...
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